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Everything posted by denalilvr

  1. denalilvr

    ssa icon 12 vs kicker L7 12

    great choice man..you will not regret it..
  2. denalilvr

    ssa icon 12 vs kicker L7 12

    well so far no reports of damage or anything..from what ive read and see this thing is built to last..also another thing i wanted to say was you mentioned you were hung up on spl side of things..the thing with this sub is it can give you that in a ported box...while sounding very good..like i said 2 15's in a ported box scored a 147..sure kickers can do..but what are the chances it will sound good like the icon? not much...so you get the spl side while still sounding great..here are some links i think you should look at and im sure your decision will be much easier http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=12983 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...?showtopic=9039 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=14467 http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=11943 plus there are alot of review threads that you can read..
  3. denalilvr

    Any 99-06 Silverado owners on SSA

    how attached are you to your back seat? do you have kids or alot of friends that travel in the car with you? also what i have seen is people keep the back seat, throw subs under the seats AND in they take out the center meaningi nstead of seating 3 people in the back you can only seat 2 because in the middle they have installed another sub..some can do it in the console so its hidden some dont hide it..
  4. denalilvr


    what subs?
  5. good deals here man..goodluck with the sale and congrats to all those who get in on these
  6. dont know anything about them but i did find there website for you http://www.aurasound.com/public/discontinued/body.html
  7. denalilvr

    "the big 3" question

    to play if safe with that amp and to get the most out of your system i suggest a high output alt with 2 batteries under the hood the factory one and another yellow top at the minimum and if you got another $200 laying around do another battery in the back..i mean if your going to do it may has well do it right from the start dont half ass it bro..i know it may take a lil longer to save up for it but believe me its well worth it for yourself and your car..remember you need your car..if your fry your alt there goes your transportation to work/school/msl..its like building a house..first you need a good foundation before you can add special features..
  8. denalilvr

    donk forum??

    ya i love me a donkey booty now and then..lol
  9. denalilvr

    donk forum??

    i did a search and i found these http://www.streetsourcemag.com/forum/topic...topic_id=77688# http://www.rangerpowersports.com/forum/sho...ad.php?t=192112
  10. denalilvr

    donk forum??

    you mean a forum with big booty girls or cars with 23''+ rims?
  11. denalilvr

    ssa icon 12 vs kicker L7 12

    icon all the way bro..ive heard kicker setups and they all sound crap..nothing but loud crappy bass..if thats what people want i feel bad for them..because they havent heard what really clean bass sounds like..i have no problem saying the icon will chit on the L7 in sound quality and in a ported box still be LOUD..so it depends on what your plans are..just for competiting in spl..go for the L7..not to say the icon cant compete..i believe 2 15's in a ported box hit 147 it was posted here in the ssa section..but if you want to be loud and sound great while doing it then my friend we have the ICON..plus imagine the look on peoples face when you make there system look like crap and ask you to open the trunk expecting to see alpine,pioneer,kicker,kenwood and they see that cone that says SSA..and first thing that say is wtf is a ssa..and you just smile..close the trunk and drive away..lol sorry had to make it dramatic in the end..but you know what i mean.. l7=loud icon=loud and very clean good sounding bass
  12. denalilvr

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    hey bro if you can ball park it, all in all about how much total sq ft of that sound deadning rolls will you end up using?
  13. denalilvr


    1200 watts at 1ohm would be more of a strain because its putting out 1200 watts so its going to need more power where has at 2ohms its only 600 watts so its putting out half the power
  14. denalilvr

    help me decide.

    if i ever have a boss amp has my sig mods have permission to ban me..lol
  15. denalilvr

    Help me choose 12 or 15

  16. denalilvr

    help me decide.

    why the hell did the pic change to a boss amp..lol
  17. denalilvr

    "the big 3" question

    we can speculate all day but really only 1 way to truly find out what will happen..well we know what will happen but the question is how long will it take to happen..
  18. denalilvr

    "the big 3" question

    1ohm=3750 2ohm=2200 4ohm=1250 AT 14.4v i doubt you will have 14.v volts on stock alt with a additional battery..so eiter just do it and see how bad your lights dim and they will..or sell that amp use the money to buy you another amp,sub and a high output alt..
  19. denalilvr

    changing subs

    your going from sealed to ported, 9 times out of 10 ported will be louder then sealed provided install is done right..then your going from a sub thats 300 watts rms to a sub thats 1000-1200 watts rms..its going to be feel like its your first system..lol oh incase you couldnt understand my language..the new system with the icon will kick the old systems butt
  20. denalilvr

    connecting zune to head unit?

    the pic below shows the ipod but is there a wire or connector that allows the zune to be connected to the head unit? http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?fuseac...Product_ID=5082
  21. denalilvr

    help me decide.

    this is one ive liked for awhile http://www.woofersetc.com/index.cfm?fuseac...Product_ID=6538 about $250 on ebay
  22. denalilvr

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    man so far that work looks great..mr.scottsdale is getting a good install
  23. denalilvr

    sound damping

    ok thanx...i guess you get what you pay for..time to nut up and pay for the better product..lol
  24. denalilvr

    John's build for (2) 18" SSA prototype high output

    ssaudio- about how much of that deadening did you use for that whole truck? in terms of sq footage?