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Everything posted by denalilvr

  1. denalilvr

    Good LSQ subwoofers.

    has anyone actually heard a havoc in a sealed box?
  2. denalilvr

    Godsmacks (4) 10" ICON build log

    your installing this stuff in the parking lot of your apt building? man i hope you have a alarm after all those people see what your putting in
  3. denalilvr

    Godsmacks (4) 10" ICON build log

    very nice set up man..and awsome work on that box
  4. denalilvr

    4 SSA ICON 10" Build Log

    very nice set up man..and awsome work on that box
  5. denalilvr

    enclosure for icon 12

    i think i just need to give ported a chance before assuming it will sound bad..
  6. denalilvr

    enclosure for icon 12

    my only worry is with a ported box is that it wont be tight and solid..it would be more muddy,sloppy and loose..which offcourse you would say then go with sealed..but ive read some reviews where people said there is not much output in sealed..
  7. denalilvr

    need help 15" icon enclosure

    ya i hope you do get some more vids up man..because for 1 15 your system is hitting and it sounds really clean and tight..not rattling and muddy..
  8. denalilvr

    enclosure for icon 12

    how do these work in ported for someone whos looking for tight,deep bass and still be loud?
  9. denalilvr

    More VIDS of Arsenal 15s!!!!!!!!!&

    looks great man..
  10. denalilvr

    SSA Icon 12"

    nice..i hope there will be some vids..
  11. denalilvr

    need help 15" icon enclosure

    bong did you switch to a sealed box or have you always had that icon in a ported box?
  12. denalilvr

    SSA Icon 12"

    will this be a sealed box?
  13. denalilvr


    ya we need more vids of that one..
  14. denalilvr


    lmao my jaw dropped when i saw that was just 1..i would have bet the farm that was no less then 2 15's
  15. denalilvr

    My 15" Q's

    great to see excellent communication here..i hope the new pair solve the issue once manny gives a thumbs up on the problem fixed i can go ahead with my project for 3 18's.