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Everything posted by xiihustleix

  1. xiihustleix

    Trying to drop some weight

    Thats great that she is soo supportive...and thats a good start, keep up the good work.
  2. xiihustleix

    Happy Birthday Mac N Cheese

    Just noticed that you turned 20....one more than you can drink legally I got one more month for me....june 24
  3. xiihustleix

    SA-15 D2 -- 158.1 dB Legal

    Very nice!
  4. I would check the build logs for a step by step...i think it would take too long to explain in a single post. Heres a very broad one real quick: 1-Find max dimensions for your car//max your comfortable with 2-Use a box tuning calc and enter your dimensions and mess with port size to get desired tuning. (RE has one on their site; and Torres calc even better) 3-Once you do that itll give you the dimensions to cut the wood 4-Cut, Glue, and clamp then screw (pre-drill) (SPAX screws - Titebond II or III glue) *Also you have to take into consideration the woofer displacement and bracing displacement. I would go with a L-port though, its really nt that hard. This is just a very broad step by step as i said above...I would check the build logs for a more descriptive one.
  5. another great day at work xD

  6. xiihustleix

    Box dimensions for a 15 inch Xcon

    Thats what i did...worked fine. Good luck with the build
  7. xiihustleix

    Box dimensions for a 15 inch Xcon

    Thats what i did...worked fine. Good luck with the build
  8. xiihustleix

    So, I got pulled over yesterday...

    Ya I would say you may have deserved that one....lol. but i sure didnt. I know, but the cop gets to pick which one he wants to pull over....loud system or louder bike....system.
  9. xiihustleix

    Box dimensions for a 15 inch Xcon

    and a little bit of wood, little bit of glue, and a little bit a screws..
  10. xiihustleix

    Box dimensions for a 15 inch Xcon

    I dont know what the recomended cu ft is for the Xcon but like burko said, i wouldnt go too much above it. Put it in a really little car and it'll seem a lot bigger...lol
  11. xiihustleix

    Box dimensions for a 15 inch Xcon

    Yup...came up with 3.56 with 0.75 mdf. So looks good to me
  12. xiihustleix

    So, I got pulled over yesterday...

    fuck ya they have a banner that says right bullshit tickets. its called there fuckin quota, cops are supposed to write so many dollars worth of tickets every shift, then probably get a bonus when they are over there quota. and if they dont reach there quota then they are "not doing there job"its called there fuckin quota, cops are supposed to write so many dollars worth of tickets every shift, then probably get a bonus when they are over there quota. and if they dont reach there quota then they are "not doing there job" i know a few cops and i have gone on ride alongs and i was disgusted. i made the cop giving me a ride along (old neighbor) take me back to the station. he would straight profile then pull someone over. i was like omg, this fool is straight racist enforcing the law. cops are humans like us, they have emotions and opinions but let them blur there ability to enforce the law. x2 x2 x2 x2
  13. xiihustleix

    So, I got pulled over yesterday...

    Damn man...an undercover. thats even more f'd up. Completely agreee with you on this one...once the judge tells me what i have to pay thats when the fight in me will come out. but nt enought fight to get me in even more trouble. but i dont understand the logic behind that law...they can just pick on the younger kids that have the stereos..hopefully it gets thrown out.
  14. xiihustleix

    So, I got pulled over yesterday...

    I'll just go into court calm, no attitude, and respectfull then if all goes horribly wrong...lol...il might ask that but if i dont have to then im just going to keep my mouth shut. i sort of did that with my tint ticket i got a while back, how when the last time the meter was calibrated..didnt work though..lol. At least now im nt the only one who thinks they are dicks...lol...but you do have a good point there..i know i was wrong but as i expressed to the cop, i didnt know that it was anytime of the day they could give you a ticket...always thought it was after a certain time of day...guess nt lol
  15. xiihustleix

    Need dimensions for a sundown audio 12"

    first you need to find out the dimensions of what will fit in your car, or that your comfortable with in your car...noboy on here can help you with that. once you have the dimensions than you can go about messing with the port for your desired freq and other misc things.
  16. xiihustleix

    How Good Is Your Port?

  17. xiihustleix

    When/How do i get this newbie status off? lol

    Now you get "Junior" status...lol When do i get this "OG" status you guys talk about? lol
  18. xiihustleix

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110314221457AAarpBy hahahahahA...."I'll let you know on Sunday." that one was funny. 1st time for me
  19. xiihustleix

    When/How do i get this newbie status off? lol

    AWWWW shitt.....here goes #100. Newbie free now (hopefully it take it off this post if nt..lol)
  20. xiihustleix

    Cast your vote for Retailer and Installer of the Year

    CONGRATS man....hopefully you can hold down that 1st place. I'll vote if I still can.