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Everything posted by toolfan91

  1. toolfan91

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale Poll

    Count me in
  2. toolfan91

    2000d pre-sale?

    19.5" Thanks. Jacob- I believe I'd be down for one
  3. toolfan91

    2000d pre-sale?

    Derrick has the only 2000D right now, he can tell you Cool, hopefully he will chime in
  4. toolfan91

    2000d pre-sale?

    Id be down pending on how long it is, happen to know the dimensions yet?
  5. I play these games online- Company of Heroes C&C Generals Zero Hour Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Warcraft 3 every now and then Just wish I had more time to play them What does everyone else play online?
  6. Ill probably just end up getting an Orion 2500D, talk about cheap power!
  7. Good read guys Once I get my car done, ill be picking up a DCX2496 along with some Adcom amps Then the oh-so-fun home audio projects begin!
  8. toolfan91

    My fucus install thread... MMMM fiberglass :D

    Oh I will! Im really looking forward to whats going down over the next couple of weeks... Ordering 4 more different pairs of midrange drivers to test out, and hopefully have a pair of Utopia 3w2 Be's donated to test out against them all.
  9. Well, Im finally getting around to doing another install in my fucus... 4way active = yum My front stage consists of: Pio Premier 880PRS PPI DCX-730 Dayton RS225s Vifa TG9s Seas neo alum or XT19s PG Xenon 100.4 PG Xenon 200.2 The sub stage is still somewhat undecided... Currently I have an MJ18 in a 6.5 cube ported enclosure tuned to 45hz, off a lil old RF 360a2... Tomorrow night, Ill be building a 4 cube ported enclosure and playing around with different tunings to see what I really like with this sub. This is what you see behind the seats The two options Im contemplating- A) 2 MJ-18s, 9 cubes net ported, tuned somewhere between 32-35hz, PG Xenon 1200.1 w/ a Kinetik HC600 in the back to help a bit B) 4 MJ-18s, 16 cubes net ported, tuned somewhere between 32-35hz, Orion 2500D w/ a kinetik HC2400 Considering my back seat wont be in anyway, im leaning heavily toward option B... I basically want to do hair tricks On to some pics now The 880PRS PPI proc, its just chilling in my center console until I get around to doing a custom fiberglassed center dash piece Shot of Dayton RS225s, RS52s, and Seas neo aluminums. The Dayton domes were a bit too harsh for my liking, hence why I have the TG9s now My MJ-18 compared to one of my RS225s Now to the build up of my door pods- Test fit 1 Had to cut some of the door skin to make them fit better Working on the framing... Covering in fleece, getting ready for the glass Just started glassing them tonight.... Also playing around with aiming the TG9s a bit... Ill be doing dash pods with the TG9s and one of the pairs of tweeters I have... The two pairs of tweeters I am in the process of testing out Is it bad that I forgot about my Dayton Titanic??? I have too many subs laying around I forget about them
  10. toolfan91

    My fucus install thread... MMMM fiberglass :D

    Well, a good buddy of mine hasn't quite finished his install yet... So he lent me his XLS 8"s to try out Hopefully ill have the door pods mounted up, for testing purposes, tomorrow
  11. I know, but I'd want to run at least a couple, if not 3 or 4
  12. I love my Xenon 200.2 and 100.4 for my front stage... Too bad they didnt make a big amp for my substage
  13. toolfan91

    My fucus install thread... MMMM fiberglass :D

    Yeah, ill probably end up with that. I was actually considering paint, but given this is a daily driver, the doors would get all sorts of scratched up By the time im done with dyna-glassing and using filler, itll look dandy
  14. toolfan91

    Fi BTL 18 Review

    VERY good review man! Kinda makes me want to pick up a Memphis 4kw and a pair of BTL 18"s for the fucus... But then I come to realize I can pick up the other 3 MJ18s and Orion 2500D for what I would be paying for the 4kw alone, lol.
  15. toolfan91

    My fucus install thread... MMMM fiberglass :D

    I appreciate the kind words everyone What do you all think I should cover the door pods with? Im thinking a psuedo-suede, to match the silver psuedo-suede insert on the door panels. Also considering doing black vinyl, because a lot of my dash will be painted black. I could always just do grey vinyl to match, but thats kinda blah to me. Whats everyone think?
  16. toolfan91

    What 2 18 inch Btls will do.

    Any hair tricks? Im contemplating running that exact setup, 2 fully loaded 18" BTLs off a memphis 4kw, but in 15 cubes tuned to 35hz...
  17. toolfan91

    Mach5Audio soon to be on SSA Shop

    Any word on when they will get in??? Guess it is kinda nice they havent yet, as I havent received my damn tax return yet
  18. toolfan91

    Who else loves alcohol?

    Had some Disaronno earlier, now working on a margarita... Turned 21 last october, and slowly but surely getting my liquor cabinet built up
  19. toolfan91

    Who else loves alcohol?

    hahah im a tard sometimes So just the regular bacardi rum and coke then?
  20. toolfan91

    Who else loves alcohol?

    I havent had bacardi and cola yet, amazingly enough... Might have to pick up a bottle of bacardi(just the regular vodka I'd presume?) and try it out!
  21. toolfan91

    FG Box

    Where do you live, and what kind of hatch?
  22. Exactly my thoughts... Otherwise I'd consider an X2400.1
  23. toolfan91

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    Hell Ill play.... What I currently have in my posession/working on installing: Premier 880 PRS PPI DCX-730 Vifa TG9 Alpine/Vifa XT19 Dayton RS225 PG Xenon 100.4 PG Xenon 200.2 Mach5Audio MJ-18 RF 360a2 5 gallons of spectrum 220amp h/o alt by Dom red top under the hood, upgraded wiring Ill be ordering some Peerless Exclusive 4.5"s next week to try out for the hell out it... I might end up with Peerless XLS 8"s pending on what mid I go with... Im also waiting to see whats up with the new 18"s Mark is releasing, but if they are more than $150 or so a piece, ill just end up with 4 MJ-18s.
  24. toolfan91

    My fucus install thread... MMMM fiberglass :D

    My woman actually keeps on bugging me about doing pink leds/neons and a system in her car. She has to wait until MINE is finished, lol. I need to order a dash mat already so I can get busy with testing more drivers in my dash. Going to order a pair of Exclusives in a week or so, and a guy over on DIYMA is going to send me his Utopia Be 3w2s to test out against the Exclusives and TG9s Im only worried about one thing... Really liking the 3w2s... If I am lucky, I can find a pair second hand for $500
  25. toolfan91

    My fucus install thread... MMMM fiberglass :D

    Well, finished the actual fiberglassing of the door pods Now just need to get them mounted to test out the RS225s. Unfortunately, I have a few mid-terms, 1 research paper, and 1 5pg essay to do this week My brothers wedding is next weekend, and ill be working 50 hours over spring break. I will find some time in between to get my 8s in! Here they are, ready for dyna-glass/rage gold-