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Posts posted by duanebrow

  1. Cheese, for HT normally you'd go with a ported box. However just because you tune the box to 20 Hz doesn't mean that it will work. The enclosure must match the driver and the application. The lower you go the more air you need to move. You will also get less cabin gain than in a car. Do you have a link to the drivers t/s specs? You need to model it to find out if it will work well. Also remember

  2. Why is that, to me it sounds good now with two mids and tweets per side. That's just me though. We all know I have different ears than you lol :-p

    To you, interesting. Have you compared to a setup that doesn't have the highs murdered with two tweeters? Another way of asking that is what sounds better to you with both pairs running? What orientation have you chosen when you are running both pairs?

    Either way, the tweeter is (or better be if its an even half decent design) padded such that it doesn't overpower the mid. You "could" run two and suffer all the negatives and pad them both, but that makes no sense. Of course you could use both mids and one tweeter (and maintain the same output from the tweeter due to reduced pad), but this would require a completely new crossover and along with it come costs that exceed what you have in drivers so I would think that to be a rather interesting choice that I'd never make.

    The tweeter isn't padded. Just a cap. On the tweeter. It is hot! I didn't req. Going to an MTM because the xo would need to be changed. And the tweeter might not be eff. Enough.


  3. Why is that, to me it sounds good now with two mids and tweets per side. That's just me though. We all know I have different ears than you lol :-p

    Because the tweeters will cancel each other out at some frequencys and add at others. As you move around the room the frequency response will change. This is a bigger problem with highs as their wave length is shorter.

    You can try listening to some well recorded music. You should be able to hear the singer in the center like you have a center channel. And all the insterments should be coming from some where you can pick out. See how much different of sounds with only one pair of speakers. (try to keep the loudness the same.) Let me know what you think.


  4. I didn't give box size or tuning because I was at the wrong computer. Anyway sealing two of the 10's in a 3cf box will give you a f3 of 45hz. I wouldn't think that will work well for rap. So can you make room for 2 - 5cf boxes? tuned to 30hz, should be very loud! f3 of 33hz. SPL for all four is modeled at 119db 40-50 hz falling to 115 at 30hz.


  5. i already have all the gear, pretty budget setup, just need to build 2 towers. the only place i have room for them is on my desk (its a 10' long desk i built, ill post a pic). i dont have any floor space.

    these are the drivers/amps i have:

    4 of these 10s: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=295-485

    1 of these for the subs: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=300-804

    2 pairs of these, which for $29/pair (when i ordered them), sound GREAT IMO. http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=300-652

    1 of these, currently powering the above speakers in their stock enclosures: http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.cfm?Partnumber=300-383

    now, with the above gear, im looking to build 2 towers. always wanted to build some badass towers (i realize its pretty budget speakers especially the subs, but im going to make it work. i can still make the towers look badass.

    again, since they're going on my desk, im not sure how the subs will sound in that location rather than on the floor, but its what im working with, so i have to live with it. space wise, the base of each tower can be about 18" x 18", and really however tall need be to get the required airspace. should i go sealed/ported/bandpass on the subs? its only for a PC/music setup, mostly rap.

    as for the mids, i planned on leaving them in the stock boxes if i was just going to build a plain sub box, but since i dont have room on the floor for the subs, i might as well just throw the mids/tweets in the towers. hopefully with a better built box than the stock enclosures, i can maybe get the mids sounding even better than they do now.

    ideas please :)

    Ok, First I have the B652's. I built a better box for them and they can sound better. They have a bump at ~120hz because the box is a little small. Toss the box they came in, but make sure you keep the capacitor. Increase the box size to .5 cf. this will lessen the bump as you will have real bass when you add the 10's. I'd suggest two subs per box firing out the sides so the boxes won't move when you turn it up. Wire all 4 subs to the amp to get a 4ohm load. Give away or sell the other set of B652's.


  6. I went on a mountain bike trail this morning, First time. Way different than riding the roads around my house. A semi truck was stuck on the road to the trails. So I parked at a park and ride and rode to the trails. Then went over 6 miles on the trails. I had a great time, even if i had to push my bike up a few hills!


  7. I've already asked this question once before my friend, and in this install, you answer is no. You have done enough.


    I looked for the answer in the forums first. But it seems that every one asking about boxes just want to know what size and tuning. Nothing about how to build the box. I'm beginning to think that people are to concerned about tuning and box size - and not enough about building a solid box!


  8. I'll be building the box with the op. I modeled it in winisd. 4.5cf tuned to 32 Hz with a 14.5 x 3" slot port. Port and sub facing rear of trunk. Outside of the box will be 16 h x 33 w x 22 d. I will have some sort of bracing in the box..75
