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platnum accord

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Posts posted by platnum accord

  1. yeah i swaer i was looking at the guy;s thread from uk with the 4 15's and the post ended up here.... :S but yeah i was wondering why 4 18 inch q's? for what sq or spl? or just a daily ground pounder?

  2. yeah, not a big fan of the spinners.... make most cars look cheap in my opinion.

    once people could buy them at walmart for 50 bucks... the whole class part left them in my mind...

    and i know this is going to stir some chit but i was reading n canadian car audio that that amp will never do 15000rms for more then 3 seconds.

    so its more of a 15000W max amp...

    i hope this install can better evaluate this amp.

  3. i think i will just go find a small little red led and pop er open. looks like 2 screws? does the knob pull off? i have not tryed yet.

    if you could describe how to open it over like aim or msn or somehting hat would be excellent.

  4. i got what i expected because does anyone really get loud using clarion? not really lol.

    time to see if i can sell these and upgrade to some btl's. oh and gain is about 1/3rd of the way up during the vid.

  5. k so now the amp actually died i think.

    it will not turn on and im pretty sure the rem is fine. its getting power because the mm says so.

    so um any suggestions on what to look for. oh and the subs ar still reading 1.7-1.9 ohm's on the mm, so they are still in great shape.

    the clarion pxw1552's love getting full power.

    but what should i look for. grounds are great, rca's are excellent. but thats all i managed to check before i called er a night...

  6. yeah no doubt. but man it sure has the ability to drain the batt on my car. i had to turn the gain down more just to be easier on the car. subs love the power but the car dont.

    oh and btw... i wanna big sundown banner!!!! lol.

  7. i was excited to get it in. i already showed up one kid who had 2 10's in is civic. his friend laughed when his bass was droned out by mine. you can tell when they are really trying hard to impress when the speakers are all distorted lol.

    and i could see them through his windows, he had 1 bud in the front...

  8. this is supposed to be a top of the line amp and im so unsatisfied right now.

    well of course it hits really hard and most likely has the ability to kill my subs but still for being a top of the line amp it has a problem.

    like i honestly thought since it was described by so meny to be the best, i thought it would not have any problems.

    The amp works fine i know but thats not what im pissed about...


    like come on mr fuller.


    haha im just kidding, great product, and i was just wondering if the led on the remote was a common problem.
