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platnum accord

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Posts posted by platnum accord

  1. ok new development.

    amp is now going to be a sundown 1500d as i finally could afford it, but im still to poor for the TL to do some testing.

    so the amp is huge and the subs i am going to be getting (hopefully) if my dealer buddy pulls through is 2 clarion pxw1552's.

    fudge the trunk im building an enclosure where my back seats are, but not a wall.

    im thinking like 3-4 cubes per sub witha whackload of port area. which is yet to be determind based on im still looking to find out what frequency my car peaks at.

    so if anyone has that info post it up right away please.

    so yeah, any tips or tricks as of now would be great. amp should be a week or 2 away and the build should be whenever homehardware gets in more sheets of mdf for me...

  2. Well if you're serious enough to give up the space for competing, you could probably make a box large enough for an 18 without "sealing" the pressure in the trunk. But I think you'd have to look at how you could accomodate a 7-8 cube (external) box and still have somewhere to put your equipment. I like the 5-6 cube idea because it allowed for trunk floor space for amps and such.

    yeah true enough. i dont have any money for big badass drivers right now, so i just want to gather the materials.

    would 1600Wrms split to 2 subs be able to do 140?

  3. haha. i just stubled upon this and was wondering a few questions and if these things matter.

    is it going to be in color or black and white.

    basically will it be a single color silk sceen onto the dustcap?

    does it need to be basically a 2 demensional object like as if you were looking at it on paper?

    sorry for the error, edited!

  4. haha thought i corrected that, but it comes up the same every time. i want to basically do sq but i need to be able to do over a 140db's to get full points on part of it. or it was a 139.9 or something. i have looked into tonality, staging, all that stuff, and i think i could get it done but i jus need somethine in my car that will hit over a 140. if i can get it done with as few subs mids and tweets as possible the better :)

  5. right on, so a single 15 is the way to go you think?

    i would like to get a 15, but i guess i have fallen for the myth that subs that have the biggest mags rumble the most, not are the loudest but have the ability to shake the car.

    i had 2 oldschool, well they are 3 years old now, but i had 2 clif designs 10's that pounded the piss out of my car, and recently i got 2 12 inch subs and they have ablut 100 oz mags, compaired to the 200 oz mags the clifs had, but in short these 12's dont rumble at all, they just are kinda loud, and even then its an sq type sound not spl loud.
