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Everything posted by Goldtaz1

  1. Goldtaz1

    I'm not seeing much IA builds here

    As Corey has stated, Team Street Shakers runs Incriminator subs nearly exclusively. Definitely go on youtube and check us out. The company is run with class and the service you'll receive after the sale is second to none in my opinion. I have a library of pics of all the Team SS/Incriminator Builds I have done and will try to get that info online in some way. If I don't do it myself, I might just send everything to one of the guys on the team to post or directly to Josh so he can post it. I almost never have time to do SHIT! Brandon
  2. Goldtaz1

    3 DP 21" ??s

    07_ZX10, The folks that told you the 21's would not work in a daily application are not correct. 3 DP 21's off a single sundown 3500D would hammer like hell if it is built correctly. steveo50, SQ is always a subjective matter. Saying they "will probably lack SQ" is a little too generalized and honestly a matter of opinion. SQ is just like beauty....it's in the eye of the beholder. What sounds good to one person may not sound good to someone else. Obviously these woofers weren't built with the intentions of having SQ in mind. If you're looking for SQ, the Flatlyne is where it's at, breaking cars, glass, and concrete is what the DP does really well.
  3. I like it! I'm eager to see what this thing will really do with some more elbow grease. Should definitely be something special. Just don't forget to read my post about Newton's Law of Motion on the guy with the 3 DP 21's. LMAO!!
  4. Goldtaz1

    3 21dp's in a tahoe

    Kind of reminiscent of when I would just throw a big ass box in my car eh? LOL! Good stuff dude. Like most of the other folks, I'm genuinely worried about the 5 70 lb objects sitting at your console area. To the original poster of this topic, you might not think those batteries will move around, but I believe you should do a little searching around on the Newton's Law of Motion stuff. Just did a quick little calculation to see what a 70 lb battery would feel like if moving 35 mph then suddenly stopped in a distance of 1 ft. That battery would have a force of 2,868 lbs or about 1.43 tons. This is more than enough force to explode the human skull as if someone fired a 50 caliber rifle round into a watermelon. On average, most traffic in town will move at about 45 mph. That same 70 lb battery will now have a force of 4,741 lbs or 2.37 tons if the vehicle came to a complete stop in a distance of 1 ft traveling 45 mph. All this said, obviously the sub box is of grave concern as well considering it is in the hundreds of pounds with the woofers mounted. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Just saying.
  5. Goldtaz1

    hhr 4th order wall build, fo fih-teenz

    Where do you get the button looking things that you used in this pic??
  6. Goldtaz1

    new numbers

    Very awesome dude. That's a great score indeed.
  7. Goldtaz1

    new numbers

    Titties!! That's pretty loud. You might wanna provide some box specs so there can be some added significance. What vehicle? Box volume, port area, tuning?? Those kinds of things will help put your number in a different perspective. I also cannot tell what frequency this number was done if you wouldn't mind sharing that as well. Brandon
  8. Get rid of the second row seats and you'll be able to have the right box in there. Who's gonna build it?? Matt? What happened to doing the 6 15's? LOL!
  9. Goldtaz1

    Bracket Requests

    Tej, I e-mailed you 3/16/2011 about a Triple alt bracket for a 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe with a 5.7 liter V8 engine and never heard back. My name is Brandon Y****. Just wanted to let you know on your forum in case you accidentally over-looked my message. Thank you. Brandon
  10. Goldtaz1

    MECA Freezefest 2011 SPL / "SQL" Event - 2/13/2011

    Please forgive me because I do not know much about Meca comps, but doesn't this seem like a pretty low score for such a potent setup? I guess I just thought 2 warden 15's and 2 40.1's would have a better showing.
  11. Goldtaz1

    Picture Tour?

    The IA backoffice is kind of like the place in Willy Wonka's factory that Slugworth wanted to go to catch a glimpse of the everlasting gob stopper machine. LOLOL!! Too many manufacturers might have to come out the closet if you gave us a picture tour? That sucks.
  12. Goldtaz1

    IA Hairtrick Action

    If Dave is close to you at all when the new build gets done, I'll officially retire and never build again. LOL! This one should be quite epic with the 3 of us thinking about the approach. You just need to get on the hustle and acquire some more equipment.
  13. Goldtaz1

    Streetbeat Customz - Back at it ;)

    Very nice indeed. Those audiopipes are pretty damn serious for the $$$ eh? No one believes me when I talk about their potential. Thank you for sharing your incriminator build.
  14. Goldtaz1

    Streetbeat Customz - Back at it ;)

    Which series 18's are you running? DR's? What amps?
  15. Goldtaz1

    IA Hairtrick Action

    Dude. Better get my water... And the battle continues over water supremacy.....HAHAHHAHA!! Let's have a throw down on the meter once and for all to see who gets water and who gets to do some motor boatin (sorry BJ, had to throw that one out there).
  16. Goldtaz1

    New warden Numbers

    I'm a little confused. Did your bassrace score improve or go down? Weren't you already bassracing a 55 with the DP's?
  17. Goldtaz1

    First Edition of the Dirt Sheet

    Nick, I for one am just glad you are getting better and still working to create innovative and exciting products. I will definitely be joining the newsletter group although Dave tends to keep me up to speed. LOL!! I have finally landed a new job and should be able to start building my funds back up so I can bust a move on the DP monster. I really enjoyed getting to meet you and the guys in Biloxi. Tommy's truck was worth the drive, gas, and hotel $$$. At any rate, I am glad you are doing better and I look forward to the new stuff rolling out of IA. Brandon
  18. If I were you, I would definitely seek the advise of either iamamp3pimp or 80inches for some assistance on Bandpass designs. Both guys are pretty well versed from what I have seen in the design/implementation of bandpass enclosures.
  19. Goldtaz1

    Helping Friends

    Hey man, I have some $$ I would like to spare. If you are not going to be at Pizza Hut Friday night please call me and I will get it to you before you head down. Brandon
  20. Goldtaz1

    IA forum excitement.

    Hey man, I think we are gonna have to organize an IA Montgomery Photo/Vid shoot real soon. This should help drum up the excitement a good bit. We've got quite a few vehicles around town now with IA product so it's time to show everyone what DA GUMP is all about. LOL!
  21. Goldtaz1

    IA Birthday Cake FTMFW!!!!

    The funniest part of it is that the lady my wife was trying to explain the design to had no earthly idea what my wife was trying to get her to do. My wife drew the woman a picture and VIOLA, the lady made it happen. Very talented cake makers indeed. Thanks a bunch Dave for coming over to watch me roll in the big 30. Marianne made the comment again that we need to get up with you and April more often. I had no friggin idea what was going down and it was just really cool that the entire IA Gump crew was there to celebrate with me. Now I will reiterate Big Dave's statement "IA CAKES AIN'T NO JOKE!!!!" LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!
  22. Goldtaz1

    Whats happnin IA forum

    I was not saying he was not a gentleman about it because he is certainly always kind and willing to help. I just thought that it was odd that he completely declined to answer any single part of my questions and even deleted a pic. It just really came across the wrong way. I did say in my post above that IN ALL FAIRNESS TO NEILL, HE DID OFFER TO TAKE THE DISCUSSION OFFLINE. Not really trying to make a big stink by any means, but treating questions like the ones I asked as if I were planning some kind of intergalactic domination is not going to help the bass racing organizations. I am in the midst of accumulating a significant quantity of equipment and you can certainly bet that when it is time for the build, there is going to be an extensive collection of picture taking and post whoring with them. You and I both know that even if he had answered my questions and I were to exactly duplicate his design in my vehicle, there is absolutely no guarantee I would pull the numbers he is. Big Dave knows me well enough to know I tend to march to my own beat anyway, I was just hoping for a meaningful answer on why the PVC was used. I hope that none of what I've written is offensive in any way because that is certainly not my intention. I probably should have kept my comments to myself when I read your post about posting up some pics, but I just couldn't contain myself for that brief moment in time. I extend my apologies and I would like to welcome Mr. Barber to the IA forum since I neglected to do so earlier.
  23. Goldtaz1

    Whats happnin IA forum

    Yes really. Here's the thread. In all fairness to Neill he did offer to take it offline, but I am really not much for secret agent type crap so I left it alone. Neill Barber's PM box The things I have come to learn about car stereo installation are a direct result of folks willing to post build logs and pics of the things they have done to construct their systems. The knowledge gained by seeing pics of the actual construction are invaluable to everyone that wants to learn more about the craft so I don't really understand being so secretive. Things would certainly be different if we were all building systems that were eventually going to bring us something other than a moment of car audio glory. Just my $.02. P.S. He even removed one of the pics he originally posted because of my question about the PVC pipe he used on the inside of the enclosure.
  24. Goldtaz1

    Whats happnin IA forum

    Don't count on it. I was chastised on termpro for asking.
  25. Goldtaz1

    Walled 300zx 18" Xcon

    I bet it hurts pretty good, but it looks like every piece of wood was cut with a butter knife. LOL!! As long as this is a work in progress then there is room for improvement. Good luck with the continued work.