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Everything posted by armandomacedo

  1. armandomacedo

    need help on a quick fix

    I'll try it. fudge it
  2. armandomacedo

    need help on a quick fix

    I accidently punchered my surround today. more like a slice. does anybody know what I can buy to seal it up as a band-aid. Don't want to pay for a recone till I really mess it up. I heard that car window sealent works well, but dont know. anybody body got any suggestions?
  3. killa, I need to ditch all these responsibilities and go your route .
  4. I wish to god I had your talent and skill. keep up the good work and info.
  5. armandomacedo

    need help on a quick fix

    no good on this sub.I waited from 3 to 7 pm after I got off work to try it. it just came apart after putting 30 minutes on it, any other suggestions???
  6. armandomacedo


    Which type is the best to use when soldering ring terminals and etc.
  7. armandomacedo

    need help on a quick fix

    I heard the same thing. will try and see what happens but im thinking it wont hold under 1800 watts rms. will see.
  8. armandomacedo

    Baskets Available

    Now thats funny
  9. armandomacedo

    BTL questions

    if your looking for an amp maybe look into a hifonics brutus 2008d. you can find them for bout 300 ebay. Not the best amp but they'll work. you do need more money for batts, alt, and wiring. good luck with the air space.
  10. armandomacedo

    this is too easy, first one again

    even, though I don't post alot. welcome and I might have a few project for you to do in the future.
  11. armandomacedo

    E8 Pre-Order / Intro Sale

    how would 1 sub sound in an infante baffle. basically on the back dash hanging into my girlfriends trunk replacing oem?
  12. armandomacedo

    Bigger Sub ?

    damn I'm getting one no matter what, even if it's just to put in my living room
  13. armandomacedo

    Bigger Sub ?

    Nice any idea about how long it would take to start production. I know I takes time to perfect and get it going but if the time span is decent, can maybe prolong my brothers build for these subs. thanks
  14. armandomacedo

    4th order banpass build Log

    what kind of sub is that?? massive and nice job. wish I had the time and knowledge to build something like that. vids after??
  15. armandomacedo

    Talk about 5k amp List Here

    Finally convinced my bro to get one of these but it looks like its a no go. How do you get on the list? Anybody else planning to jump on the list??
  16. armandomacedo


    Where can I buy the glue to recone a sub and what kind is the best? thanks
  17. armandomacedo


    Anybody help me out here??
  18. armandomacedo

    Big 3 noob question

    Can you use kicker power wire for both the fire and ground or does it have to be specific. power wire to fire and ground wire to negative? hope this makes since
  19. armandomacedo

    Big 3 noob question

    thanks fellas 0/1 gauge it is
  20. armandomacedo

    Box for a 15" BTL in a 2002 Nissan Sentra XE??

    Try www.realmofexcursion.com/forum. just read the stick under fabrication. Some of the guys on there are cool and knowledgable.
  21. armandomacedo

    box building online calculator???

    Try http://www.subwoofertools.com/forum/ported-box.asp I heard its accurate to about 1 hrtz or so
  22. armandomacedo

    Need Spl subs

    Where at in D is the comp. I live in atx and have a 15" btl fully loaded but right when I build a box my girlfriend got rearend and smashed the trunk in to where it wont open The car is in the shop right now and should be done next week. A little after that I will hook everything up. You plan on coming to ATX any time soon?
  23. armandomacedo

    What is the Size and Tuning of my box?

    Say mike, just wondering, did you use a program to figure this out or some O.G. wisdom?
  24. armandomacedo

    New Sub in the Works

    Man, that is a very nice looking sub, prop's
  25. Steve, so you like hush mat over all other sound deadening mats? Just wondering what A pro likes