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Jason Witt

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Everything posted by Jason Witt

  1. Jason Witt

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    Found some exact caps. Thanks for the help.
  2. I need to replace four of these, but cannot figure out the vales to find the part. Help?
  3. Jason Witt

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    Would an 8 UF work?
  4. Jason Witt

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    Thank you guys. Now I can get it fixed.
  5. Jason Witt

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    I saw those, but the prongs are wrong on the bottom side. Good luck getting a chinese part in the US. Some custom fab is probably a likelihood. Are any of them good? Three are good, but I want to change all four to be safe. I did some more research and the prongs are fine. I just don't know the capacitance rating.
  6. Jason Witt

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    I saw those, but the prongs are wrong on the bottom side.
  7. Jason Witt

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    Yes, I cannot determine how to calculate the values because of the limited information. I know what type it is, and what it does, just can't replace until I find the right ones.
  8. Jason Witt

    Rebuild results until wall with Mayhems rebuilt into 18's

    Trust me I have played in this car as far as speed goes enough. If I was still concerned about that I wouldn't have a system at all. Yes i'm walling my srt4.
  9. Jason Witt

    Rebuild results until wall with Mayhems rebuilt into 18's

    Sounds clean and clear down to 29hz.
  10. Jason Witt

    Maybe the last video before I wall

    I just want to be louder and cleaner, but the size restrictions in the trunk keep me from being able to achieve that. I am certain I can build a good sounding wall. I will just rebuild my Mayhems into 18's, and use the power I already have. I plan on tuning to around 30hz with roughly 15.5-16 cubes airspace. I might start a thread on that for suggestions.
  11. Jason Witt

    Maybe the last video before I wall

  12. Jason Witt

    When is this amp coming out.

    I guess you could call this thread "consumer awareness"
  13. Jason Witt

    When is this amp coming out.

    Haha!! Skarbage FTW!!
  14. Jason Witt

    Sacred's upcoming Bronco Build

    Very nice start!
  15. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    Kick score.. Not too shabby. @53hz on a daily setup.
  16. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    Soon I will be starting the rebuild in my SRT. I will be reconing the subs, adding some new mids and highs, new enclosure, new amp rack, battery bank, and possibly some exterior additions as well. I will try to get all the pictures that I can. Should be a good one this year.
  17. Jason Witt

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    Can't wait to see this build!
  18. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    Thanks Jon. I still have some finishing work, but the sound is there and done.
  19. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

  20. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    There are just a few more things to do, and some I have done just haven't had a picture yet.
  21. Jason Witt

    Trunk Rebuild

    It was a great day in bass today.
  22. Jason Witt

    New Guy from Kansas City
