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1200 bandit

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Everything posted by 1200 bandit

  1. 1200 bandit


    Keep the post coming and good luck.
  2. AB said that amp puts out 7500 watts, that's a big nunber.
  3. 1200 bandit


    Man I here for you, now tell us what you need so we can get you loud. I'm 41 years old an started in car audio in 1986 an still get made fun of here, so can we start over?
  4. 1200 bandit


    O.k. are you putting subs to the front an ports to the back?
  5. 1200 bandit

    Worst sub install candidate of the year

    Hell yea, that is awesome
  6. I'm a American Bass dealer an I'm not sure about how AB comes up with there numbers. My guys think the numbers are 1/2ohm 16v not 1ohm 14.4v . I played the 120.1 at 0.36ohm for a 2hr. trip hard with no harm. I love the amps an subs but the numbers ( lol ) are a little funny.
  7. 1200 bandit


    DJ at Audioque can help you he is on this forum but I think it a 200A with 0 wire.P.S. good amp.
  8. Yes they do an turbo start
  9. Bob discontinued the 150.1 and replaced it with the 120.1. I'm doing test on the 120.1 now but I need new batteries to get a good test. Bob said the 120.1 puts out 2600rms at 1ohm ( lol ). American Bass is good but Bob's numbers suck. I will have some number on the 120.1 in a week or two.
  10. 1200 bandit

    Need Help on Sub choice.

    what is the cu.ft. of the box?
  11. 1200 bandit

    budget sub ideas

    American Bass DX subs work good with low power.
  12. 1200 bandit

    budget sub ideas

    Man buy you a sub if you what to it is your money.
  13. 1200 bandit

    96 Eclipse SPL help

    I used those subs a few year ago the 3.2cu ft. each box works good. In your car subs up ports to the back will be a good start. For ports 4, 4" aeroports is what I used.FYI some of the guys on the forum are going to give you a hard time for using Audiobahn an Lanzer play with what you have because it paid for. GOOD LUCK
  14. YES 1/2 ohm daily eazy ( with good power ) ALL the vfl amps will.
  15. Wow what is that box tuned at?
  16. 1200 bandit

    Repair dust cap

    Hi Guys, My dust is coming off what is the best glue to use to put it back on. The dust cap is made of kevlar.
  17. 1200 bandit

    How to brace a sunroof?

    My son has the same car I will look see how it comes down.
  18. 1200 bandit

    enclosure for 2 10's

    I know the AQ's sdc2.5 work in a 2.0cuft box so I think it will work.
  19. 1200 bandit

    How to brace a sunroof?

    I fill your pain, I use 1/2" MDF cut to the size of the sunroof openning than I duck tape the inside an outside of the openning. It helped me on the meter good luck.
  20. 1200 bandit

    Brushing resin on inside of box

    I'm with you I do the samething.Use a plastic spatula an go slow.
  21. 1200 bandit

    1990 crx i need help

    I would think that 2 15's would need a considerably different box than 2 12's. plus if you are giving out box dimensions, you should probably include port length and/or tuning 4" Aeroports 12" long or precision ports
  22. 1200 bandit

    Wanted : a good LOUD SOUND QUALITY driver.

    Massive Audio Qc good sound and spl.
  23. 1200 bandit

    CSS CDX 15" enclosure build

  24. 1200 bandit

    new sundown amprack
