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Everything posted by onebadmonte

  1. onebadmonte

    help me choose once again

    The mahogany grain matches you box but it seems a bit reddish. Maybe you can add a little red tint to some polyclear and give the box another coat so they'll match.
  2. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    What subwoofers did you get?
  3. onebadmonte

    2007 Ford Escape build...

    Looking good. You go to any local shows? I'd like to check it out in person some time.
  4. onebadmonte

    new team SSA build. 2 zcon 18s on 10k. 159.5db

    Nice to see you keeping busy and making the world a better sounding place. My hat's off to you sir, one workin mofo.
  5. onebadmonte

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    Thanks man, always appreciate it. You know me, always trying to keep up with the Mead's.
  6. onebadmonte

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    THREAD RESURRECT! Back from the hollow depths of the SSA "Build Log" section. The suburban has been trucking along. Been to a couple of shows here and there. There have been a couple of tweaks to the EQ and adjustments of the gain knobs here and there. I am confident in saying it's a good sounding system. It plays loud as fhawk, to the point of headache inducing. Yeah, yeah, I'm a sissy, so what. The sound quality is equally as impressive. The MS8 has been more than a hand full to deal with, but I am very pleased with what I have been able to finagle out of it. With out a center channel I've had to default to the L-R balance to persuade a center image. A bit counter-intuitive, but I've had to balance towards the left side. :/ No biggie. As for stage height, with the tweeters at ear level, the sound is as high as the dash. Enough blah, blah, blah. Here is a vid I posted in another section for those looking for numbers. Not bad, not bad, but what about the SQ? Well, I while back I got a new toy to measure frequency response. It's a little choppy, but here it is. What's next?
  7. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Either way, congrats man. It's been a long hard road you have traveled to get where you're at today. Congrats.
  8. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Crap! What'd I miss? Steve, you won?!! Congrats! Woot woot!
  9. onebadmonte

    Another bloody calculator

    Nice. I will try using this calculator on my next build, instead of paying someone. Thanks for sharing.
  10. onebadmonte

    Sundown 2012 Frames : Samples Arrived

    How big are the mounting holes?
  11. onebadmonte

    The SSA Yukonvict XL edition

    Off to nice start. Cant wait to see what you come up with.
  12. onebadmonte

    Jefferson and his service techs.

    tHiS tHreAd Is PoINtLeSs wIThoUt WoRds.
  13. onebadmonte

    Street SPL Finals San Antonio Tx :D

    Hey, what's up internet? This past weekend I got to spend some time and compete at the Street SPL finals in San Antonio, Tx. I got to catch up with some old friends from here and there, and I got to make some new friends. Got to play some demos for the crowds, and got a few myself. Here are some vids of the show. Enjoy.
  14. onebadmonte

    Street SPL Finals San Antonio Tx :D

    No problem. Glad you like them. Time to start getting ready for the next season.
  15. onebadmonte

    Street SPL Finals San Antonio Tx :D

    Great ... I will check it out thanks BTW ... I'm from Mississippi Lol! I'm still trying to master the art of understanding what I read. Sorry bout that. Maybe you can bring some shows to the great state of Mississippi.
  16. onebadmonte

    Street SPL Finals San Antonio Tx :D

    Thanks, and not a problem. Great seeing everyone at the show. Time to start getting ready for the next season. They've got a little website going. www.streetspl.com Not that many shows though, a few here in San Antonio and some where the organization originated from in South Carolina. For next season they said they are gonna have some shows hosted in Florida as well. Check it out, maybe you can bring some to the great state of Louisiana.
  17. onebadmonte

    Street SPL Finals San Antonio Tx :D

    Ok, ok, one more vid.
  18. onebadmonte

    Street SPL Finals San Antonio Tx :D

    Another Vid and another bump in my post count.
  19. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Whoa! Impressive carnage. O_O
  20. onebadmonte

    SSD modified for HT duty?

    Why the need for the lower fs? A stock SSD should do fine. If you're looking for something that will play low and with some output you might wanna look at the SP4. The only in between is the Q series.
  21. onebadmonte

    Sundown : Reference SQ Component Set

    Yes, these are XBL Cool beans I've always enjoyed the XBL gear I've played with. Be interested in seeing the specs on them. Did you go with XBL on the tweeter as well? Not many of those out there. Yes the tweeter is also XBL Oh snap! Someone has just brought the "A" game.
  22. onebadmonte

    Sundown : Reference SQ Component Set

    Very industrial looking crossover. The first thing I'd do is replace the cover with some lexan. In for results.
  23. onebadmonte

    Ascendant Audio accessories

    Just wondering if there are any, like t-shirts and/or stickers. I'm interested in picking some up.
  24. onebadmonte

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Looks slick.
  25. onebadmonte

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Very nice! Now don't scratch it while installing it. Keep the awesomeness coming.