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Everything posted by SacredTanakh

  1. SacredTanakh

    Mechman 260

    Oh and I would have bought a larger elite mechman alternator but they said this is the largest they could build for my vehicle.
  2. SacredTanakh

    Mechman 260

    Well my idle can't be too high or else my truck will have a hard time shutting off, you gets sputters and such, so that's why it not charging at my normal rpms is bad. Second. mechman told me it was supposed to output 14.4 @idle, therefore it bothers me that it doesn't. This alternator went in for repair because it stopped working as did yours. The regulator is not adjustable unfortunately.
  3. SacredTanakh

    Mechman 260

    Okay so this morning I turned on my truck and it was at 14.6, but it went down to 14 agian as I was driving, after a few mins. So as it heats up it puts out lower voltage? That would be my guess.
  4. SacredTanakh

    Mechman 260

    Diehard gold 875cca and a kinetik 1200 by the amps atm.
  5. SacredTanakh

    Mechman 260

    It took a month! I had to use my other truck during that entire period. I'm not waiting another month, I don't get how this company gets such good ratings for quality if it takes 3 attempts.
  6. SacredTanakh

    Mechman 260

    Sorry for the typos, on the phone typing.
  7. SacredTanakh

    Your order # and when shipped

    13 business days so far for my sp4, hoping it ships out soon. Order #2423
  8. SacredTanakh

    comparison pictures massive Magnetar coil

    Sounds insane, Can't wait to see it in action
  9. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

  10. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

  11. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Hahaha I will do my best that sucks though guys... Hope you get everything back up and running agian.On a side note I painted the port, and put some sexy long black fur like fabric on the box. Pics soon.
  12. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Well I don't have my sp4 yet, how long did it take for you guys to get yours? I ordered on the 20th of July. So it's only been a couple weeks so far.
  13. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Such a sexy subwoofer, bet it was loud as hell at that tuning. I though about tuning mine to 26hz so I could play the lows very nicely, but the box would've been massive.
  14. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    I was a little worried about having 150, but there's so many different port calculators and then also people on different forums that say in that range. At first my design was 7.7 cubes tuned to 29hz with 120 inches of port. But I thought that might be a little too small. Anyways hopefully your wrong swift, cause I've put a lot of work into this box.
  15. SacredTanakh

    Which sub should I choose

  16. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Thanks man, I'm hoping it sounds at least as good as it looks
  17. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Nice, I was thinking of painting this box, but I thought about all the sanding I would have to do to make it perfect with all that resin... Also to note the sub hole is not resined because I don't physically have the subwoofer yet, still waiting on it from Fi. So to make sure the sub fits correctly I left it a little small, so I could sand it down and make it fit when the sub arrives.
  18. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    That is pretty impressive, a lot of people seem to put beastly subs in boxes that weren't to the specs of the subwoofer. which means they aren't getting the full potential of the subwoofer. Trying to get as much as I can out of this 18. Port is going to get painted white, and the rest carpeted black.
  19. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Sorry for the typos, I'm typing on my phone and the autocorrect always changes words.. Annoys me.
  20. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

  21. SacredTanakh

    Sp4 box/port

    Oh this is is just temporary in the bronco, I have getting funds and my truck together for the dcon build. The sp4 will be going in my car, but right now I want to play around with it a bit.
  22. SacredTanakh

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    I realize that SSA are built at the FI buildhouse, but what are the differences between these two subwoofers? The only differences I notice in a SP4 and Evil are the magnets which one is ufo style and one is the traditional stack style, then the SP4 has sandwhiched leads in the spiders. The specs are almost identical, a small change in the T/S parameters. Is the Evil basically the fully loaded SP4 with an extra 200 dollars added on top? Nothing agianst SSA or Fi either way, I just am interested in what makes the evil better to which that 200$ comes from.
  23. SacredTanakh

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    Agreed, that pretty much completely answers the whole thread and many peoples thoughts, so thanks ^.^
  24. SacredTanakh

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    Well in my case it is not free shipping since I in alaska so.. do I get 250$ off? ;P haha, anyway I do have a lot of respect for both companies, and I really like the way the evil is presented and such as a product. Which for me is why I consider it even if it was the exact same loudness and such. One thing I would recommend is for SSA to somehow try to pull it further from the SP4 if it is quite different in reality. Its all in the marketing I guess, the way its presented. Which they did pretty good with the whole Evil name and look, but if they could take it a littler further somehow more so in specs than presentation. Just my thoughts so far.
  25. SacredTanakh

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    Yeah haha that was.. enlightening.. Anyways in terms of goals/info, the car is a 2013 Chrysler 300. The car will probably never be entered in a competition, and might only once be metered purely out of curiosity. Want to be around 3000-4000w, hence why I chose the SP4 or Evil. I like listening to anything between 25-45hz, most often around 26-31 though. The front stage will be full on SQ, but I'm looking more for air movement/pressure with the sub stage. Hopefully that's enough information. Not sure how much space the trunk has, I haven't actually bought the car yet... But I'm guessing a single 15 will fit fine.