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Everything posted by BassBaller5

  1. BassBaller5


    make sure your mids can keep up with the tweets. those dytons you had at first will only play up to 2k Hz. If you stick with those tweets, get a mid that can atleast go up 3k so you have more room for adjusting xover points.
  2. BassBaller5


    IMHO, you could deffinatly get away with 2 sets of speakers. To keep up and be LOUD you could get the RE XXX 6.5's. their 2ohm so powering them enough shouldnt be a problem. If you still decide to go with 8 speakers, the daytons will do fine. But unless you want to enjoy some kanye while geting metered, 4 drivers will easily be enough.
  3. BassBaller5


    yea sorry i meant to put that..... i already have a good active crossover, Coustic XM6. but do you think two 6.5's and 2 tweets will be loud enough to be heard with 150+db bass setup that i am doing? ...Turn down the subs when you want to hear the front stage? No joke.. when will you actually need a front stage with a 150db output?? I really hope your not driving around town listening to music at that level... (will it even play 150 on music or is that a burp/tone?) keep us updated though!
  4. BassBaller5

    100.4 outta stock

    Ill have mine in friday!!!!!!!!!
  5. BassBaller5


    Sounds like its going to be an awesome build man. You can easily get 2 sets up drivers and tweets to keep up with 150+db. but it depends on what your looking for in your speakers to give recomendations. SQ or just a set that can be as loud as the subs? BTW, i saw the first pic and thought you had 12 subs in a box build into the headliner!!
  6. Thanks for shipping so fast man, cant wait to hook it up to the seas and get a review out! im looking forward to doing alot more business in the future
  7. i was just curious as to the reason for wanting to run your front stage drivers at 2 ohm but i see thats the only configuration the XXX's come with. Good luck with the setup!
  8. thanks for the good info john, ive had the same thoughts on secondary batteries but this is pretty helpful. SouthPole.... what are you running off the third 100.2 @ 2 ohm?
  9. BassBaller5

    help building crossovers

    So ive decided on my new driver set being a seas CA18RNX 7" and the H1189 tweet (27TDFC). with the advice of ///m5, im going to run the CA18 full range and just do a crossover for the H1189 until i can finish my active setup. well after looking at madisound, i came across a prefab xover for the tweet and another driver. http://www.madisound.com/catalog/product_i...roducts_id=8232 not wanting to spend an extra 60 bucks on xovers that i wont use very long, i decided to make my own. so far on my list are the 4.7μF SA Range Polypropylene Capacitors, eagle 4 and 20 ohm resistors, and 0.4mH 20AWG Air Core Inductor. im pretty sure theres nothing else i need except a board. im not sure if i need a special circuit board of if i can just use 1/4" mdf?? buying the boards from madisound will eat up more of my money im trying to save by building my own. also, it dosent say on the site what crossover points this combination will create? i was hoping to have it at about 1500hz.
  10. BassBaller5

    help building crossovers

    well by temporary, i mean hopefully not more than a year until i can afford the h701. being in college, im not making too much money. the lower frequency is the main reason i picked these. it was either these at 1500 or some peerless HDS at about 1k hz. their going into an extended cab GMC sierra.
  11. any luck on those pics?
  12. BassBaller5

    MTX Anyone?

    man, im runnin MTX in an extended cab truck and its deffinatly not the best choice. i cant wait to sell my box so i can make a new one with some FI Q's.
  13. BassBaller5

    MTX 8500

    that price is freakin cheap. i have a single 12 in a ported box and its a little lacking in the 60-150 Hz range. handles the lows pretty well and is pretty capable of avoiding distortion. im putting 688rms to mine and it has no trouble. in a sealed box they would sound pretty good for what your wanting. with metal you will have plenty of rapid double bass and these things in a sealed enclosure would sound nice and tight. i would normally reccomend other brands since im not too sold on the MTX but with that price i would go for it
  14. BassBaller5

    Active setup

    that sure looks like a fun toy... for 500 bucks it better be!
  15. BassBaller5

    Active setup

    does anyone know of the alpine iva-w205's ability to run an active setup?