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Posts posted by handman84

  1. Who told you Rick? That was supposed to be top secret! Ya I put the first xcon in a 1.5ft^3 sealed box I had, not as loud as the gcon ported (duh) but I was demoing the new setup for my friend last night and was super impressed with the quality of the bass. 


    My friend got so excited about the sq that he ran in the house to get his ipod and we spent an hour listening to his favorite music. It was great. We listened to a Dream Theater song that had a ton of string bass instruments (cello, concert bass, etc) and the quality of the bass was unreal! It totally surrounds you and at times you feel it but aren't quite sure you are hearing it...it was a weird awesome sensation.

  2. Thank you. I have never done any of this before and I am quite anal about things, great because I end up with the result I am looking for in the end, but it takes me FOREVER to get things done...it's worth it though. I spent 3 hours cutting out and sanding rings for my tweeters today. i will upload pics later today.  This will be my first attempt at fiberglassing, I'm a little nervous

  3. These things are huge!. I hooked them up for a minute to see how they would sound with my woofers and WOW! I could not be more impressed. I can't imagine what they will sound like once I get them installed and tuned properly. Amazing tweets

  4. 20130417_201218_zps51e190f9.jpg20130417_201608_zps70ac4e11.jpgRan out of CLD so used EBR between the ring and panel :)

    20130417_201926_zps5c7df66c.jpgRe designed the rings so they would bolt to factory location. Didn't have to mod anything and they are easily removable if need be. 

    20130417_203224_zps30e7fb0b.jpgFit like a  glove!


    Like I was never there ;)...The problem I'm having now is I am cheating myself out of so much potential output keeping them in the stock location :( They sound amazing so far but I know I am missing out on their true potential. When I feel more comfortable with fiberglassing I  will break down and give these guys the proper home they deserve. For now I will concentrate on tuning.

  5. Looks like our new projects will parallel each other Rick...Will be trading in my gcon for ricks xcons and redoing my front stage to run active. Finally got some real pics and ditched the cardboard drivers smile.png



  6. I am looking for an amp to power my new front stage. Have come across a crescendo 1000c4 and a 125.4. The sundown is a bit more but I can splurge if it is worth it. I have never heard these brands in person but have not heard a bad thing about either one. My goal is sq. It will be powering an active front stage, 8 ohm hds tweeters, and 8 ohm 7" woofers in the stock door locations. Will I notice a difference in sq between these 2? How about overall quality? Is the sundown really worth almost twice the money? Or will I be just as well off going with my original plan and get a new ppi 900.4? Any advice opinions or comments are greatly appreciated.

  7. If you really want opinions, which through my experience isn't really that helpful, I like the way the Hertz sound and for the price type R Alpines sounded good to me, but they may sound like shit to you. I also liked my Boston Acoustics. My ears opinion does you no good though because your ears hear differently and your vehicle is different than mine so the same comps will sound completely different in yours than mine. 


    Whatever you decide with your front stage, ditch the rears. It seems like rear speakers might make the sound more full, but it really confuses and complicates the sound stage. I would notice that when I moved my head in the car for any reason everything got really confusing to my ears, especially if I leaned my head back into my head rest. all of a sudden I would be pulled into the back seat. It was so dramatic. Like I was sticking my head in a room listening to one system then turning around and listening to a completely different system in another room. I didn't like it. too confusing. I ditched the rears and am much happier. My $0.2 based on my ears and my experience. Quite subjective isn't it? ;)

  8. It's sad to think that doing the right thing is so rare these days. Good to know integrity isn't dead, which is why I trust the people/advice I find here at SSA. Just another example of why SSA rocks! 

    And you're killing me Impious! Hey Jake, you've got a golden ticket!
