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Everything posted by rasta4life

  1. rasta4life


    I Have A MLT setup and I want to know the advantages of this setup.I have two md3d going to two 13w7's. Under this setup I have one md3d going to my subs and the other is a slave amp.The advantage I have with this setup is I only have to play with one gain on the amp which is good and also when I had played with both amps before I have to make sure that both amps were even on the gain so the subs would move the same.Now with the new setup the subs are more even when they are under excursion so better sound.It seems that the subs hit harder and cleaner. :bigclap:
  2. rasta4life

    To US Amps fans and the MD3d user

    To anybody that uses the Merlins.I am upgrading my electrical to meet the demands of all my amps( 5 Amplifiers) Three amps are the PhoenixGold Ti Series (2 600's Ti and 1 400 Ti) Two US Amps MD3D 07 Models.I can not give you the exact wattage but both amps and subs are connected at three ohm on a JL Audio 13w7. All the amps that I have are unregulated power supply and need alot of juice including the two merlins md3d amps. On the merlins the amp load is 480 in my car adding another 220 plus that is a total of 660 .I had one high output at 220 240 maybe hot.That was not enough so I am adding two more alternators that put out at least 400 to 440 amps.Beside some for the car most of the amperage should be going to the radio.I have two kinetik batteries in the back.The batteries are small because no room(one 800,one 600 and one 800 in the front car)Spending alot of money on this project so to anybody that owns the merlins I hope I am doing it right and giving my amps as much love of juice as I can.
  3. rasta4life

    To US Amps fans and the MD3d user

    Finally have my alternators which is a total of three and man what a difference having a total of 660 amps for my setup is great the md3d sound great to the W7's,the voltage stay around 14.0 to 13.5 or higher no matter what I give it. The W7 are sounding better and better and the MD3Ds loves the amperage.Also I finally saw a triple xxx sub(12 in) and man if I only new would of gotten that sub instead.( 15 in of course)The w7 is still a no joke subwoofer and I love it.
  4. rasta4life

    H2 Hummer build

    VERY NICE AMP RACK.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. rasta4life

    H2 Hummer build

    very cool,I would like to see you amps setup,myself having two md3d's.How much amperage are you putting out because my car is being done already with one 220 amperage alternator I am adding two more alternators to get the most out of all my amps.Nice alternator setup.
  6. rasta4life

    To US Amps fans and the MD3d user

    Nobody has a 07 model with this amp and has anybody upgraded their alternator or batteries to get the full potental of this amp
  7. Many people say that the old school us amps were better probably because they were made in the US.At least in the 21st Century how good or bad in terms of circuitry are the amps compared to old.( I know US Amps AX Line are made here)
  8. I need to know if the amps are unregulated and also I have two 07 md3d amps each pulling 240 amps of draw(2 x 240=480 amps)Will upgrading my alternator getting up to 400 plus amps will I get the full potential of the amps?
  9. rasta4life

    Are the 07 MD3D Amps unregulated and amps draws

    All the amps I have which is a total of 5 amps are unregulated putting a total of 660 amps of draw,I do have a 220 amps alternator maybe 240 when hot. My problem is maybe about 120 amps going to car and about a 100 going to my system that is not enough.I am thinking about putting two more alternators in my car about 220 amps each.
  10. rasta4life

    question about setting my gains on my subsonic on my md3d

    At least on the md3d their is a subsonic from 15 hz to 40 hz,I do not have a dmm so everything will be by ear,the way my system is setup it is very hard to play with anything on the amp but it can be done.
  11. To get the best sound what is the difference of gain from 15 HZ to 40Hz. Putting the gains clockwise would be the best choice right, closer towards 40 hz. Do to the type of of install I have it is very difficult to work on my gains.My space is limited to work with.
  12. rasta4life

    Just put in two MD3D 07 model to two 13W7

    for having the system for a week and looking forward to hearing the system as soon as I can I am pretty so far happy with the bass side of my system.For a class D sounding amp the amps sound good and powerful(speakers not fully broken in) A good relationship with both the speakers and amps.The new Merlins are not bad.I am a US AMP fan for a long time.!
  13. I took out my old PG Xenon 1200's and puttin in two 07 MD3D and man my subs love them and they are powerful.This is my old setup with the Xenons and now with the US.Man I am pretty happy with the new amps My car is under gallery section under Ultimate Atima www.Audio2000az.com
  14. rasta4life

    Just put in two MD3D 07 model to two 13W7

    http://audio2000az.com I have problems with my computer so i cannot put any pictures.
  15. rasta4life

    U.S. amps Merlin and AX line

    Trying to decide for subs.I am going to put one to a (two subs two amps) 13w7.What is the difference between the merlin and the Ax line, I know that the Ax line is the top line but how comparable is the merlin line
  16. I just checked the specs on this amp and it is not very high only 200 if I am correct.The JL amp is something like 400 on damping factor.Can somebody correct me if I am wrong.The higer the better if I am right.
  17. rasta4life

    MD3 vs. Kicker 2500.1

    please help with this one.
  18. rasta4life

    MD3 vs. Kicker 2500.1

    damping factor does make a difference and a damping factor of a 100 in nothing compared to a speaker like I am going to be using(JL 13W7) if a 500 like a JL amp it will sound best to that speaker because that is the way they designed the speaker for that amp so if I want to change my amps and I am talking about a 3 ohm load 1200- 1500 watts what better us amp with a higher damping factor should I use.
  19. rasta4life

    MD3 vs. Kicker 2500.1

    I need real info myself to!
  20. rasta4life

    07 MD3's?

    I want to know as much. I already have a system in my car pictured on one of the other forums.I am upgrading or downgrading need to know
  21. rasta4life

    MD3 vs. Kicker 2500.1

    more info on the md3d,from S/N Ratio,damping factor,watt range at each ohm
  22. rasta4life

    New Model MD3?

    what the specs on that amp you have.
  23. rasta4life

    U.S. amps Merlin and AX line

    thanks flakko new with US amps I need to make decision about what amps to use I am leaning towards the merlin just for the fact is in compatible with the watt and ohm range.Their is a new model that will do 1600 watts at 3ohm for those 13w7.
  24. rasta4life

    What U.S. amp for a JL13w7

    I am new to the forum but I am upgrading my amps and I need to know is the AX the top line and what would be the best amp for a JL 13w7 I am looking at least a 3 ohm impedence no more than 1500 watts.Has anybody heard a 13w7 to a U.S. Amp.I need to know as much as possible by one day thanks
  25. rasta4life

    What U.S. amp for a JL13w7

    thanks for the replies so a merlin would be a good choice.How about any of the AX line.How do you compare the Merlin to the AX line,I am new to the U.S Amps.I have heard the U.S amps on some CV Strokers about 12+years ago but that was it.thanks