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Everything posted by R3dt34rz

  1. Get a Crescendo BC3500D and run it down to 0.5 ohm if you want. It will do 0.5 with good electrical. You should be able to find them fairly cheap used. Audioque would be another good option. Holy crap, I just saw you are from Florence SC Op. I grew up out there and Hartsville. Good stuff bro. Good thing you aren't shopping at Nortons. HA.
  2. R3dt34rz

    2k budget

    You could go with the Icons as mentioned earlier, and your choice of comps. Definitely shop around, you can find good amps for cheap.
  3. Big 3 using Knukonceptz wire ( bang from buck), D3400 XS power battery. You can get one for around 200-220 from Crutchfield with free shipping.
  4. R3dt34rz

    2012 Fusion All Sundown Everything! Start Pg. 14

    I used two runs of 1/0 Knukon KCA ( total 2 power, 2 grounds) to the rear of the van to my batts. Then running amps from battery. Welding wire looks good though. Is it flexible and easy to run? Looks like you'll finish up before me man, I'm on business in Korea.
  5. Audioque 120.4 and Audioque 1200D. May as well match them up.
  6. R3dt34rz

    2k budget

    Pioneer 9400BH for HU Dual Xcons if they can fit Crescendo Mezzo Comps Crescendo 2K/Audioque 2200D KnuKon wires DC or Starr Moutain Enclosure MB Quart Onx4.80 4 channel XS power D3400 with the change left over.
  7. R3dt34rz

    New video! 4 BC3500's + 8XCON 10s = WOOOSSSHHH

    That is just nasty. Awesome vids man.
  8. R3dt34rz

    XCON 18 vs EVIL 18

    Evil looks like it will get down. Nice pics.
  9. R3dt34rz

    07 tahoe iKon build

    Nice build bro. That MB Quart is a nice amp and sounds pretty good for the price range. I'm using the larger Onx4.125 and it plays well.
  10. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Good deal guys, updates on the Xcon orders anyone?
  11. R3dt34rz

    Xcon v1 / v2

    That's exactly what I was wondering also. Thanks.
  12. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Cool so Icons are getting out the door then. Order 5323 for a single Xcon should be coming down range shortly then. Woot woot!!!
  13. R3dt34rz

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    Good info bro. I never ran one, only seen them here. I've ran a 4 channel amp from them and it did Ok for me.
  14. Gents, Just curious if I can run my Xcon D2s at 0.5 ohms and be good, or should I just run them at 2 ohms? Electrical consists of 3 XS Power D3400s ( 1 as a front batt, 2 in the rear). I ran all zero for the Big 3, and currently have a HO alt of 250a from Excessive Amperage in the works. Just wondering how I should wire the subs on these amps. Any input is appreciated. Also this is a daily driver, if that means much. Thanks.
  15. R3dt34rz

    2012 Fusion All Sundown Everything! Start Pg. 14

    Build is coming along bro. Box looks good, nice cherry red port. I went with the same color on mine as well. Those Zcons should hammer in that car. For terminals I would crimp and solder if thats possible. Use a little heat shrink to make them look nice and neat. If you can't crimp, take them a local shop after you cut your wire to size. I'm sure some will have other ideas on this one.
  16. R3dt34rz

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    Yes sir he is. Should be enough for my 3 XS power D3400s. I purchased this on yahoo auction Japan as a spare and sent it in for the rebuild.
  17. R3dt34rz

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    Just a quick up on the alt. project. Nate hit up on Facebook this morning. He's putting some work in on my HO alt. Shooting for 250a. output. Stock 70amp alt...Toyota should beef these up to at least 100a. Being torn down for rebuild Some work in progress, thanks to Nate at Excessive Amperage
  18. R3dt34rz

    Just got my bc2000d, have some questions

    Op how's that 2k going?
  19. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    I think I explained in an earlier post, we just don't have the capacity or man power at the factory to be doing steady individual progress updates on orders out side of the standard processed or shipped. Would love it if we could, but just way too expensive to pull off, or would only slow down the progress tremendously. Understood bro, it's all good. Looking forward to rocking my Dickies shirt man. Any plans to offer more colors?
  20. R3dt34rz

    Brand New Crescendo BC2000

    I have two of these strapped and they provide plenty of clean power. GLWTS bro....Definitely a good purchase.
  21. R3dt34rz

    SSA/Crescendo Van Install from Japan

    Thanks bro. Hoping those Xcons get loud in this little van, I'm thinking they should.
  22. R3dt34rz

    sundown lincoln

    Nice vids man. Lincoln is boss, good job.
  23. R3dt34rz

    order # 5111, ordered nov 21

    I'm going to ask a dumb question here, so pardon my ignorance. Why is 150+ the magic number with how loud you play? I'm guessing it's Sonic Bliss, but enlighten me. I've been overseas in Japan too long, so any info would help. I even tried asking Google.