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Everything posted by R3dt34rz

  1. R3dt34rz

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Nice build..Awesome work
  2. R3dt34rz

    Forum Upgrades.

    You have fiber? I hate you now. It's all love bro. If I could send you some broadband, I would. HAHA. 1gb fiber is sick fast mane. Are you saying that you have 1gb down load speeds ?? or Fiber optic cable running directly to your house ?? Yes, in Japan you have the option to run dedicated fiber to the home. You can purchase it in 200mb or 1Gbps being the highest. I have a 1 Gbps fiber connection. Price is around $60 -$70 month depending on the yen rate. Slower speeds like 100mb and below runs around $25- $50 a month. They give away broadband out here. No limit to how much you can really download unless you download over 30 gig in a week or something crazy. People do it though. http://www.ocn.ne.jp/english/hikari/wflets/
  3. R3dt34rz

    Forum Upgrades.

    You have fiber? I hate you now. It's all love bro. If I could send you some broadband, I would. HAHA. 1gb fiber is sick fast mane.
  4. R3dt34rz

    Forum Upgrades.

    Looks good. And much faster. I have 1gb fiber and before the update the site would run slow. This is way better, much appreciated and nice work to those involved.
  5. R3dt34rz

    2k budget

    Congrats.... What sub(s) did you choose?
  6. R3dt34rz

    Doctor time.. Lymph Node Swollen.

    Go easy and hope it gets better for you. I tend to dive deep into internet medical craziness and it can down right cause a mental breakdown if you read too much into it. Good you went to the Doc and it seems you will be fine.
  7. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Not sure why you're going to waste aarons time making him come back to respond to your silly "are you building my xcon yet!" dude...it will get to you. It's not like it was forgotten. GTFO.
  8. R3dt34rz

    SSA Evil 18" Goodies

    Sick looking sub. Very nice.
  9. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Are you guys building Xcons yet? Just finished installing my 2 D3400s in the rear and have them charged and set to go. My 2 2Ks love it......Sub time.
  10. R3dt34rz

    wall build 4 15s or 2 18s

    Don't start over, just add to it. Can you fit another BL?
  11. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Got it bro, thanks for the update.
  12. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    As explained earlier, due to the overwhelming amount of orders, they shifted to doing one model line at a time to cut down on build time. That's understood bro. Supposedly it was being built by series order, now it's just random. Can you give a specific time frame on the Xcons shipping out? By that I mean, 1 week, 2 weeks, a month. I know the build house can't stop to see where each order is in the que, they are building as fast as possible, etc. Just an idea on the wait time would greatly be appreciated to myself and a few others waiting. Not trying to stir the pot, just wanting a rough idea here. Thanks A.
  13. Watching from the sidelines. Looks sick.
  14. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Confusion is beginning to set in. At this rate it will be summer by the time I get my second Xcon.
  15. I also went with Excessive Amperage when looking for power. Should be shipping mine Monday after since hearing back from Nate. Hit them up, reviews seem favorable but they all have good and bad reviews.</P>
  16. R3dt34rz

    2k budget

    The BC2Ks are fun amps bro. I have two strapped @4K and they do pretty darn good. Lots of clean power with those lil Amps, and plenty for your Icons.
  17. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    I sure hope so......Let us know something Big Aaron. If they are on the Zcons I would think they have shipped some Xcons since they are building by series. #5323 Xcon 15 D2?
  18. Big 3 kit may run 60 bucks or so. The cheapest I found the XS power batteries was Crutchfield with free shipping. Go online and search coupons you can use like 2 or 3 per order. Good deals there.
  19. R3dt34rz

    Danielle's SSA ICON Nissan Maxima Build Log

    Tuned in for sure. I remember wanting one of those Maxi's back in the day. Congrats on the new car. Wheels look to be Lexani when they first started. Nice build.
  20. R3dt34rz

    Fireitup's Forte Koup

    I don't think you would want it to slide around back there getting dinged up. As for the rear you could run a set of coax for fill, and a put a nice set of comps up front if you don't have it yet. Props for scoring the Xcon at a great price and thanks for serving. Semper Fi, I'm a former Marine.
  21. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Waiting on an XCON? You will be happy man, it is one of my favorite subs ever and I have owned a lot of subs. I had the Icon and was satisfied with it. So I know I'll be happy with the Xcon. I'm just disappointed I don't have it sooner. I understand that there were a lot of orders but extra staff ( I know that's more money to spend) would have been nice to complete these orders. I just hope it ships this month because I have people buying my current equipment and I'm not giving it to them until I get my new stuff and people are getting upset. Bro go ahead and unload that gear man. It would suck to have a deal fall through and miss out on some cash. Ride with the factory radio for awhile until your new stuff arrives. I've been riding around with a small sub until I get my set up together. I've been doing the upgrades as things come along and it's been fun. The last piece to the puzzle are my subs, then things will go BOOM BOOM!! HA!
  22. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Same bro. Ordered Dec . 2. I think we should be up next man. I received the one I ordered in nov last month so this one should be showing soon. I'm waiting on SSA to post up.
  23. R3dt34rz

    Anyone getting Dec. orders yet?

    Anyone getting Xcons in the mail yet? I think we are getting close.........
  24. R3dt34rz

    2 channel amp

    Adcom, Sunfire, Rotel, Parasound, Carver, are all excellent choices. Emotiva is good entry level stuff that offers good bang for buck stuff when purchasing new. I'm not saying it's terrible, but for the price offerings I would recommend Outlaw Audio which also has excellent customer service.