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About eddie269

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  1. eddie269

    A suggestion

    Hi Gnome. I was curious if you could possibly (literally meaning if it's even possible) to make a list of estimated prices for what size and type of box. This way, customers can see what they are working with in $ area. For example, throw out a few of your most popular requests and make a price for them. Do a few sub models and prices for those boxes. Or if you want to get even more broad, just list around how much a single and a double box would cost. prices for each size would work fine I assume. Just a suggestion. And your happy customers should email you back some pics of their subs installed.
  2. eddie269

    For Sale: Returned Boxes

    Is there a reason why those people returned the boxes gnome?
  3. eddie269

    You wanna see what LOUD is?

    what are the specs on that amp and how much?
  4. eddie269

    Sound Stream XXX-15??

    Is there a reason why a sub would be SO BIG? what are its advantages?
  5. Just curious at what your set up is (box type, size, brand, and amps, etc). and most importantly, how does it sound?
  6. eddie269

    Need a Box for JL 12w3v2

    forgot to add I have a 2000 Integra GSR if that helps any. Please add that info to my quote form if necessary.
  7. eddie269

    Need a Box for JL 12w3v2

    Hello gnome (nickname for ya). anyways, I currently have a subzone pre-fabbed box from 4 yrs ago (before they started building QUALITY boxes) and i have a feeling it is DESTROYING my SQ on my new JL sub. I have never owned a JL sub so I can't say that I know exactly what it should sound like but I know it shouldn't sound like a SPL sub (like my old audiobahns). Just curious if the box isthe culprit and if so, then I am at the right place =) BTW, the jl sub askes for 1.25 cu ft sealed. But I want to go ported because I hear its a MUST! I have no idea about the frequency or even how its measured. I hear that lower freq. means SQ and higher freq. means SPL. is this true? Well, I filled out one of your quote forms and let me know what you can do.