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blue fury

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Posts posted by blue fury

  1. This thread = FAIL.

    No this thread = learning.

    trip, I know you want to get this up and running asap but let me tell you that it's worth the wait financially speaking. I rushed into my first stereo 2 years ago and 6 months later I became disappointed with it. Even now I'm not finished buying and installing all the stuff I want but I know I'll be much happier because I took my time on this one... well actually slow income made me take more time.

    Do it right.

  2. 4guage would help better than a cap for voltage drops.

    Yeah but I've already figured out that a bunch of 12 gauge will equal 4 gauge, if not more, so if I still have voltage problems after that, I'll just get a cheap cap, but I'm not sure what size cap to get.

    I'm thinking around 2 farad, the manual on Rockford's site says 1.5 farad, but I wanna get a cheap off brand one, like Boss or something.


    Ok ok, jeez... :faintthud:

    lol sorry it's so blunt but the lasagna finished cooking.

    Really, you'd be wasting your money to go this route. In the money it takes to buy a cheap cap, you could get all the used 4g you need.

  3. 4guage would help better than a cap for voltage drops.

    Yeah but I've already figured out that a bunch of 12 gauge will equal 4 gauge, if not more, so if I still have voltage problems after that, I'll just get a cheap cap, but I'm not sure what size cap to get.

    I'm thinking around 2 farad, the manual on Rockford's site says 1.5 farad, but I wanna get a cheap off brand one, like Boss or something.


  4. 2.5283356495202832389327307534764 runs of 12 would equal the same core diameter as 1 run of 4guage

    Is that true or were you just making a number?

    If 2.5 (whatever) runs of 12 gauge equals 1 run of 4 gauge, then I might just do 3 runs of 12 gauge.

    According to the american wire gauge chart the conductor diameter of 4guage is 0.2043" and 12gauge is 0.0808". 0.2043/0.0808 = 2.5284653465346534653465346534653

    mmmm Im not sure it works like that.

    BCAE website wire section:

    If you need to know how many

    12gauge wires are equal to

    1 4gauge wire(s),

    press this .

    The answer is: 6.35

  5. ye but it would be good for people who dont know how to balance gains , might give em a warning rather than a lesson in burnt coils...no one assumes accidental clipping..hell..even distortion gnna kill a sub..but i guess a fuse can't stop that..:/

    Learning to set your gains is free.

    It takes less time.

    If they learn that there might be chance to blow the subs, no doubt they will ask why or how to fix it. I bet 99% of the time people will say something other than fusing it. In which case the user would probably prefer to set gain rather than fuse it (if he ever found out) from popularity.

  6. A fuse assumes chances of too much current. You would have to assume you are going to send your sub too much power to begin with. If you can choose how much power to send to your subs, why would you fuse it?

    Shakes head.

  7. School has been a bitch and sleep has been out of reach because of it. That's why no progress in almost a month except for today.

    In case I forgot to say, the sub and the sub amp has been out for a WHILE now, I think even before I put the 800 in. In that time, I sold both RF T1k's and bought a SAZ-3kd. All 3 of the sundown amps are sitting in my room on my sub box because I have yet to build the rack for them.

    I was really wanting to built a sweet looking one where they all have their back against the sub box and angle down on each other but I don't see a point since the box for the next subs will allow NO room for it. It will look kinda plain, just to serve as a rack and nothing to look at. Either way, it'll take time I don't really have.

    So in the meantime, I'm trying to take care of the little things. Today I relocated the ground from the panel connecting the trunk floor to the back seat to the frame. It was more of a bitch than I thought it would be but it's in and it's super secure. I didn't think it was worthy of pictures since it's not much of anything... so maybe next time.

  8. What I want to do is hook the speaker outs from my amp to my computer with some adapter to see exactly what frequencies are present between the crossover points. This way I won't have to guess where 2500hz is on a lpf/hpf knob that is only labeled with 500 and 5000hz. I want to visually see the range on a db/hz plot. Is there a program like I described above? What's the name of it?

    Is there a device that will accept the + and - speaker wire and convert them to a stereo connection for the mic input on my computer? Would this just be a regular adapter that connects the - to one lead and the + to the other lead of the stereo connection?

    This is to help get starting points my fronts. If it works well enough, I may just use it to fully tune it unless there are convincing arguments against it.
