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Everything posted by khinds94

  1. Only way to find out is to swap it out and see if it happens to a different amp
  2. Your cabin gain plays a role in the response graph so you could be tuned to 32 but peak at 42. You need to lower the tuning it you want more low end extensions as the car wants to peak higher
  3. khinds94

    Team EVILS

    The team evils are just evils with different softies... And they will not be a 12 inch evil until they can get their hands on a 12 inch basket that's not patented
  4. M5 is helping op indirectly but some people have a hard time seeing it. You learn a lot from this site and if you can't take the help then you shouldn't be here.
  5. khinds94

    my Sundown build!

    Low score for 2 12s on 4k. What's your voltage drop to? Could be the car though.
  6. khinds94

    odd numbers vs even numbers

    What did you just say
  7. khinds94

    B2 tahoe

    I need to hear this
  8. khinds94

    Is this how recones are normally shipped?

    Since your cost are going up, the recones arent shipped as "nicely" as they use to be to save money?You forgot to read the last sentence.
  9. khinds94

    Fi team 18" enclosure recommendations?

    Tune to 20 and you will get a pretty flat response curve with good low end... problem is to get low 20 tuning you need a long ass port and when you need adequate port area it makes the design somewhat difficult.
  10. khinds94

    Is this how recones are normally shipped?

    Odd to say the least.
  11. Already fried an amp @ 30 sec. Sorry for ur loss bro
  12. khinds94

    box rise

    It is much more Re and Xl. You are confining your definition to the actual voice coil inductance. You are forgetting about all the other properties that effect the overall impedance. But I am not going to argue with you. *Edit. Quote fail... Not trying to argue. I'm curious where you learn about these properties. Did you just read online or do you go to school for this?
  13. khinds94

    box rise

    The inductance in a speaker does change when you put it in a box though.... it shouldnt be called "rise" however. The inductance can be affected by any dielectric. No. The impedance changes. This is due to much more than inductance.... The change of inductance changes the overall impedance of the speaker. A speaker is comprised of a resistance (Zr) and inductive load (Zl) in series. The inductive resistance (Zl or jwl) can be altered by either changing the frequency or changing the inductance L. So yes.
  14. khinds94

    box rise

    The inductance in a speaker does change when you put it in a box though.... it shouldnt be called "rise" however. The inductance can be affected by any dielectric.
  15. khinds94

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    Dude holy shit, take the box back and tell them you want your money back or a different box. You didn't get what you paid for. This is like the 10th time ive seen shops fuck people over on boxes. just try to take some measurements on the port dimensions and box dimensions and calculate the approximate tuning and its probably going to be nowhere near what you wanted. And also mention the port area, there looks to be the size of a 6-7 inch aeroport which is around 40 inches of port area. IF you divide that by 7.5 cubes your looking at 5 inches of port per cube... Its basically a leaking sealed box with a tuning in the high 50s i would assume.
  16. khinds94

    In search of new Sub, Please help

    You wouldn't have to explain everything iF you just posted some pictures.
  17. khinds94

    solid 7-7.5k amps

    Buy used...get two ampere 7500s would be my call.
  18. khinds94

    4th order Ideas

    Just do a flatwall...
  19. Hey atleast your one of the guys that know their gear... A lot of people have to ask... I'm sure your always in back feelin those amps though. Just makes me want to run AA even morr
  20. khinds94

    6 sp4 18s, 6th order, lots of glass and plexi

    What's the tuning?
  21. What's the load gunna be at when you get all 4 3800s?
  22. khinds94

    Big deal or nah?

    No its not.... might hurt the resale value a bit though
  23. khinds94

    Desperate need of some help

    I have not checked power/ ground connection connecting to the amp and was also going to check the rear ground to frame, I will tomorrow because its raining here. The volt meter is wired right to the inputs of the amp.