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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I forgot how rough tonka is. I never go on that lake. It's a blast for socialising, but so busy and popular I've never just "relaxed" on it. I like smaller lakes, and if I'm fishing to eat, Bluegill/panfish/sunnies are more my style. Lake silvia is a GREAT one where my gramps had a cabin. It was nice and quiet. Gull lake in breezy MN isn't too bad either in the fall, but I always end up catching northern/muskie.
  2. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    honestly, I could almost fit a 12". Truthfully smaller would be better, but it's really a non issue. 10" woudl be fine, but I think a wonderfull 8" would best fit the bill, save some weight on the door, and may have less moving mass.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ha getting airborn in a boat sounds like a heck of a good time too me. Maybe not for fishing, but for other reasons. Women... ah well I am making it a personal mission to go fishing quite a bit more. My fiances brother loves to fish, so I think I will go out with him quite a bit. I think he has a couple row boats, but I may just rent one or buy a small power boat, I just hate thinking about the cost of a boat and the utter uslessness of it for the other 9 months.
  4. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    due to some time constraints I'm changing my attitude and going to buy up all the products and have them on hand then install what I can as I can rather than buy a part put in a part. Especialy when if comes to deadening and wire. I may have to wait a while before that can happen but I can start working on the front stage mounts and such now. I don't have the time/space to work on this untill I get my mother house/garage tidied up a bit. I have 4 inches max in the doors. It will be a structural nightmare to do anything else. That said what do you think will be the best driver options for my situation? Still working on pics. My computer is at the doctor ATM and i'm not sure of its survivability, and I never remember to grab the camera. Sorry guys =)
  5. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sweetness. I would like to have a BIG boat, but I refuse to spend money on such a huge liability at this point in my life. ....but if you get yours I would love to go fishing with ya
  6. dem beats

    Decisions for next setup

    hair tricks?
  7. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What kind of unit are you looking for?
  8. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    By my definition I had ZERO. Of course Physicists aren't known for being beautiful women. Darn shame too.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no meds man?
  10. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Is that good or bad? We are at 93% right now. Each month we chew up more. Might have to bump the plan up again. That's really tough to deal with. It's one of my favorite places to be but that's the reason it's hard to keep up, because it's such a great place to be.
  11. dem beats

    The rebuild of my 05 Civic

    i did the trunk floor and hard to reach areas. since the box can not be removed i wanted to tackle those areas. after i get more deadening i will then take care of the trunk lid and the outer skin of the trunk walls. though i doubt seadening the trunk lid would save it from cracking. that's just brute flexing abuse onto that thin metal. Using deadiner will help so much with your lid. I have done it many many times. As for your crack, does it come through to the actual trunk lid or just cracking the bottom part? If it's just the bottom I would add some small welds where it connects to the inside sheet metal, use foam inside the empty space of the metal, great stuff even. Then deaden the crap out of it. You will be super happy. Use acoustic foam if you want too also, it will really help. Some say it may affect output but... well. Not enough I would say.,
  12. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it looks like her she has only one cold nipple in that pic. Sweet.
  13. dem beats

    Happy Birthday dem_beats

    lawl TY <---- I needs em.
  14. dem beats

    Happy Birthday Penguin4x4 !

    for april BDAYS! =D
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    OooOoh Linux dude. wow. what a shady sounding trial.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    .... wha?
  17. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    TY TY I wanted it as low key as possible. With no house, my mom gone so recently, and still messing with insurance I'm really drained. It's even affecting work, and that's sad because I pretty much answer phones ATM. I'm missing beats with all the little stuff like punching in/out etc. Thank you for the HB's though. It's always nice to hear it from nice folks
  18. dem beats

    Work... what ya do and for who?

    Yep, sent you a PM.
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Tippy top for free birthday sushi!
  20. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    For my birthday yesterday I got taken to 7 last night by an old friend. It was perfect I was ravenous and hadn't had a good lunch (the crappy BK) sushi hit teh spot. I barely made it into work I was so happy in bed this morning. Almost crawled back in after my shower and called into the office.
  21. dem beats

    Work... what ya do and for who?

    Interesting! My friend is an enginear who's job is similar, but it usualy involves him trying to replicate an issue. Basicaly he uses huge shakers(really powerfull speakers pretty much) and blasts ferquensies at things untill they break. It was amazing touring his place of work. Saw some .5hz capable drivers.... those would be sweet in the HT lol I used to sell "huge shakers" and am really familiar with his tests work. I regularly use shakers for doing tests today, but in this case it is to impart energy at all frequencies into a device to figure out its modal characteristics. In short, modal analysis is a technique to define/measure all of the bending shapes and frequencies they occur at in any structure. That sounds verry interesting. His job is 90% either recreating how things break or finding a new way to break them and then 10% finding a way to correct that. Quite a bit of fluid dynamics too. It allows him also to use some pretty sweet tools to help tune his exhaist and suspension on his toys They company he works for is green too so it's really an amazing facility. Much of it though is off limits even for him to show me. Goota make sure I don't go posting some companies new stuff online in audio forums! Really some amazing things can be done with enginearing.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    good luck on the camaro. Today is one of those days that I want to wake up and have a few drops of teh craythur, just to start my day.
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I really liked that FF GTM kit. It's been chewing away at my brain ever since I saw it...
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I miss having a garage.... soon ... soon I will. Then I will have a car projekt
  25. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    MMmmMMMm lunch. I had to go with BK. No time for anything decent Bank effed up my accts. Had to run in there with guns ablazin =)