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dem beats

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Everything posted by dem beats

  1. I'm glad these laws exist. The only time I ever blasted and turned the gain up for the subs on a system was outside the nightclubs, when I would just crank sinatra or mavin or some such, then as I left the parking lot, I turned it down because no one needs to hear what I'm hearing. Only did it then because the nigh club was louder outside than I was for damn sure. I was 17 and did it so that the chicks would look and be like WTF. I grew up
  2. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    look for the little asain ( i think, maybe white ) girl acoustic cover. She says Dick odly, like "deck" or some such. Great stuff. I may put the acoustic remix in the regular IPOD rotation if I think of it when I get my machine up and running.
  3. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    .....omg. I cried laughing. She has a powerful and honest message to the men of the world... I wish this would have been up for a grammy. "And the winner of best r & b song... let me smell your.... Great Odins ravens.... what teh hel is wrong the America!!!!!"
  4. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's all number 18 man V----clicky http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.wordpress.com/...3/18-awareness/ people get some kind of self empowered make you feel important type BS by making others aware so that they can solve the problem.
  5. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    no pics today. I will completely document my deadening though.
  6. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    No worries. You're helping me out. I am pretty limited in depth it looks like 3 1/2 - 4 inches.
  7. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    ripped the door off. LOL couldn't stand no having the answer. easy as pie. I can't wait to dead his big bastard. I have NO room behind the panel. It's maybe 1/2 inch to sheet metal, after dead and ensolite... not worth demolishing it. I'll just cut it for IB purposes and seal the magazine holding part.
  8. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    i meant depth of the driver. My compy won't open PDFs to ind out for some reason. I will see about taking the door down this weekend. I have all weekend... well, kinds My girls mom is making dinner for me Sunday for teh burfday on the 28th.
  9. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I go home tomorrow. Not 25 in a row, but I have only been home weekends and a couple days since Jan 1. So excited to be home for a while. At least 2 weeks!!! I bet you are excited!
  10. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    can you check the depth? Weight is high but I can brace glass and hook it up proper like.
  11. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    ... for teh midbass...... uh... I can't pull the PDF on this machine for some reason. It's my roomies. And you want that in an enclosure in the door? vented? Hrmmm....
  12. dem beats

    New BTL's.....Exclusive pics tonite :D

    I heard they are made with pure platinum. Carbon fiber everything too, and Uranium PU-36 motor. =) I know Fi won't let ya down is all I know
  13. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    ha... I haven't tried to take it off yet. I need to find out how to properly but...... :runs to truck : I have basicaly a magazine rack in the door, that is >2 inches from the door covering. and another >3 inches from there to where my leg when pushed to the side at the max is so I have roughly 4 inches being conservative before I would eve hit true door, I could angle it also giving more depth for the ass end also. Behind that I'm not sure how much room. Enough for the factor speaker though.
  14. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    i could probably fit a 15" in there..... depth may be a PITA lol. seriously. I have HUGE area in the doors. 1o's NP
  15. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yep.. and the buggers are closed tighter than a dolphins ass. I don't want to wreck them. I was hoping I could find a pro =) If I do open them myself I'm going to put some heavier wire and do a better job soldering.
  16. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have some older shure headphones... I think they are the ec3's. One of them looses a connection if the wire is puled wrong... anyone know where I can get that fixed?
  17. dem beats

    New SQ thread

    I'm up for anything... I can't do the home audio thing ATM so here I am. I came within moments from buying a McIntosh amp set and a pair of maggies. So I'm just gonna take it easy and play with teh truck for a while.
  18. dem beats

    Let us not forget

    lol now home and the ed x's from ramos turned into mega moose knuckle.... ZOMG. It looks like it could eat a small village with that spread. WTF!
  19. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You could buy 2 or 3 homes, but the disadvantage are of course the Texans. You don't know how spoiled you are up in MN until you leave. i'm learning this... allot. I have a tough time with coooold winter days but yes It's pretty damn awesome here, and the chip on my shoulder is growing smaller.
  20. dem beats

    SQ sub choices

    per the 5 man's request http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=16983
  21. dem beats

    SQ sub choices

    I have an saz 1500 on tap and want the best SQ I can get out of it, and be able to play verry verry low deep bass with authority. I was thinking 18"s or so but the ICON is sooooo nice. I also thought about the last gen d2 mags, but a pair would be harder to find and I get confused with how I could wire them to not go lower than the 1 ohm load. What suggestions do you guys have? Any other ideas? It's going in an expedition 98 EB edition.
  22. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have many times thought of moving down to texas. I could buy quite a place compaired to what MN homes cost. Is texas part of the golf pretty nice as far as ocean goes?
  23. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Lord, why does this only seem to happen in Texas & Florida? It's the wang and taint of america. Don't take that personaly, I love miami and though I only drove through texas it has some of the cleanest nicest looking cities I have ever been through. =P The cities in Texas I've been to certainly haven't been anywhere near clean (El Paso, San Antonio, Houston, Beaumont) Houstin was nice, where I was. Dallas... wow nice.
  24. dem beats

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have never had a problem with using trinitrotoluene to take out prety much anything. =)
  25. dem beats

    RL-p18 power handling...

    I was more in referance to anything past a few moments to beak them in. I tend to agree with this article. http://www.audioholics.com/education/louds...fact-or-fiction