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Everything posted by buickid

  1. buickid

    2 Fi Q's What amp???

    Sundown SAZ-3000D for MEGA-UBER headroom. ...plus the power's there if you ever get a BTL...
  2. buickid

    Adjusting settings

    Set it the same way you would set your gains. Turn the HU just under clipping, and turn the amp to a low setting, and turn the LOC gains up until you hit clipping, then back it off just a bit. Then set the gains on the amp. Thats what the manual for my LOC said, if I recall correctly.
  3. buickid


    Could be, but take into consideration that JBL had parts available for some pretty ancient speakers up until recently. And I can still get many parts for my thirty year old Toyota truck, even the hubcaps, straight from the dealer. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it confuses/annoys me how some companies have great parts support, and others, really lousy support for the customer down the road. Also, no need to be using such hateful words. Why can't we all be friends?! Okay, well, maybe not that kinda friends. o.oD I have a dream, that one day, asians, and lovers of teh boobies can get along on forums, even if they have differing view points! -SteveSan
  4. buickid

    i just got into an accident :(

    Man, that sucks. I hope you can get it all sorted out.
  5. buickid


    Wow. Thats great customer service, and standing behind your product.
  6. Make sure your cables are tight, and do the big 3 while you're at it. You may not even need a new battery. If you get a new battery, and don't do the big 3, chances are you'll run into electrical problems again. That fancy new battery means nothing if your alternator can't charge it. So... Big 3, Battery, Alternator, in that order. Edit: And yes, dipping voltage can blow fuses.
  7. Whats your electrical like? What gauge cables are you running from your battery, and what kind of battery is it? Have you done the BIG 3?
  8. buickid

    d unit problems

    LOL Now thats awesome bass.
  9. Sony used to make pretty good stuff before, but I think their quality is slipping. We have two ancient Sony TVs, one must be over 20 years old, the other about 20 years old, and they're going strong. We had another Sony Wega XBRWTFBBQ TV, and that crapped out in three-four years. It was a known problematic series of TV, iirc. Not to mention hardly any of the stuff is Made In Japan anymore.
  10. buickid

    Custom amp installation

    Why not just find a way to keep that cover up if you're worried about overheating?
  11. buickid

    Broke the lights. :o

    Somehow, I'm thinking that that would cost a little more in electricity. I'm thinking I'll set the fixtures on rubber blocks or something to dampen them, or something. I can't be blowing lights every time I feel the need to rock the block. :X
  12. buickid

    Broke the lights. :o

    Yep. Turn the volume down a little bit. Haha, what would be the fun in that?!
  13. Spill it, I gotta hear this. And theabunai, whats the story with SSD?
  14. buickid

    Alpine PDX 1.600 or 1.1000 for Fi Q 10"

    Nothing like headroom.
  15. buickid


    So what's involved in refurbing an amp? I wouldn't mind snatching up that 1500D, but I don't want to lay down four bills, only to be stuck with a large paperweight just out of the 90 day warranty. Jacob, hows the reliability rate with the refurbs?
  16. buickid

    Broke the lights. :o

    Damn, that means I've got about eight ballasts to replace. >.< Any way to prevent this from happening again?
  17. buickid


    Okay, I feel good about this. I'm gonna try and grab that 1500D refurb. Thanks guys.
  18. buickid

    Broke the lights. :o

    Funny thing is, the lights in room with the sub are fine.
  19. buickid

    Broke the lights. :o

    They're on a different circuit, and one of the fixtures on the switch works. (Theres six fixtures on one switch)
  20. buickid

    Question on fi ssd

    ficaraudio.com says 21mm of Xmax.
  21. buickid

    Thank you

  22. buickid

    Avalanche 15 Coil Smell at 70 watts?

    If it still plays, I think it should be fine.
  23. What numbers are you hitting with windows up, vs down? I need some numbers for this thing I'm doing. Thanks!
  24. buickid

    Got my 15Q Today

    Oh. I should've realized that. x_X I feel silly now.