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Everything posted by ABXX49

  1. ABXX49


    bump bump bump!
  2. ABXX49

    Frankenwoofer - TCON style

    That thing is a monster! I'd love to hear it.
  3. ABXX49

    will this bumb??

    Yes. edit: Very subjective question, btw.
  4. Yeah, goto the build logs section and find Shizzzon's build log....Just read through it, you'll find out...haha
  5. ABXX49

    SAE-1200D Pricing Set

    I think this will be a perfect match for my Icon that is sitting around waiting for an amp!
  6. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    Well what type of music do you listen to? I assume rap with that many subs.
  7. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    I personally consider 4000 watts SPL. You will need quite the front stage to keep up with that much sub stage.
  8. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    The BL's are a good driver too. I assume you're looking for mainly SPL?
  9. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    I'd imagine 2 saz300d's and 4 Q's with the cooling option would be a good match. db-r has a 3000D for 720 on their website right now.
  10. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    He was trying to strap two 2200's and kept frying them...I guess they are working now (unstrapped), but I would just go sundown
  11. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    I would also stay away from AQ....after what Shizzzzon has gone through....haha
  12. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    How big is the stock alt on those things?
  13. ABXX49

    new suv on the way

    You're still going to want to upgrade your electrical if you plan on running all of those subs with their recommended power.
  14. ABXX49

    Is this a good set up for my BTL 15"s

    I would ditch the 6x9's and get some components. Have you upgraded your electrical at all?
  15. ABXX49

    What Would You Pick?

    I'd personally take option 3. But you could save quite a bit of money by doing what Jim said.
  16. ABXX49

    Thanks you guys

    Glad to hear! Also why I love this place. =]
  17. ABXX49

    IA DP 21 vs pair of 18"

    I think two 18's would get louder, assuming you build everything right. BUT a 21" sub is cool. And will still get louuuuuud.
  18. Hey all, I just picked up a Pioneer Premiere DEH-P880PRS off ebay for $200. Pretty good deal. The only thing is, is that it doesn't come with a cage, book, or harness. I get get the pdf of the book off of pioneers website. Does the 880 use a 16pin harness like all of the ones on ebay? There is a cage, harness, and trim panel on ebay for $15.00 shipped. So any help would be appreciated! -Ryan
  19. ABXX49

    Project Land Rover

    Nice work man, that looks excellent so far!!
  20. ABXX49

    Fi Q in 4.5 ft3?

    I would wait for on the the Fi guys to read it. I think it would be fine, but I would wait for more input.
  21. ABXX49

    Fi Q in 4.5 ft3?

    Well, how big is it?
  22. ABXX49

    New Member Western NY

    Welcome! Where about in WNY?
  23. I can get a 9887 for about $300. I see a lot of people running those. Would this be a good choice for that price?
  24. Hey all. I just bought a 1993 Ford Tbird Super Coupe and the tape deck isn't going to cut it. I want a cd player that I can go active with. I was looking at the Eclipse 3200, I'm not sure if that's a good choice. I trust that you guys can help me out. Budget: No more than 300. Listening Preferences: Classic and modern rock. I'm toying with 3 way active, but I may just do a 2 way. Input on this would also be appreciated. Thanks, Ryan