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About Bobaflob

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  • Birthday 04/13/1990

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  1. Bobaflob

    ZED Audio amplifier group buy

    Wow, that manual is an insanely good read.
  2. Bobaflob

    I need to know how much watts max this is

    I wouldn't say the q could take more power than a fully loaded bl
  3. Regulator is screwed. Definitely don't drive it with that alt.
  4. Needs to have gps navigation, touch screen, and a good set of features. Budget is around $1200. Fire away.
  5. Bobaflob

    ~The Right Sub~

    If youre trying to save money. Jl isnt the way to go.
  6. Bobaflob

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wish i would have thought of that when my friends iphone battery melted.
  7. Bobaflob

    Prototype VW Scirocco Spotted by me!

    Very clean looking car. Props to you.
  8. Bobaflob

    New system sounds like crap. help

    True, quick way to check is to just use his dmm.
  9. Bobaflob

    Who wants 7kw at 14.4 for $1049?

    Tulsa,Oklahoma? If so i definitely will be there
  10. Bobaflob

    Welcome to the IHoP

    First step is to find a good monger near you. If it ain't fresh, you probably won't like it. Second step is to order/cook fish rare/med rare (when safe of course). monger as in fish seller? Thats not gonna happen in AZ unless I want bass Either way any sugesstions as to species of fish? Yes as in seller. I live in MN and there is a great one here, you'd be surprised. All of the restaurants have to get their fish from somewhere and it can't all come in frozen... I can't handle anything besides fried catfish.
  11. Bobaflob

    New system sounds like crap. help

    If it was loud with an amp swap, something must be wrong with the amp or amp settings. I would reset the headunit and amp settings and start again.
  12. Bobaflob

    drop shackles + 10 hours = pain

    Could be chevy lean. Is it leaning towards the drivers side?