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Posts posted by Nikuk

  1. ironic... i've built mosy of MY box today as well...

    tip - if you're resin'ing, try to do all pieces within a small timeframe. i.e.- cut all pieces to be resined together, and resin... install all sections, then resin. saves on brushes and headaches.

    -masking tape does lots for keeping caulk and resin where it should be (c'mon, its only .001 cents a foot).

    -measure twice, cut once. for angled pieces: measure twice and double check the angles "fit" three times.

    -a sharpie will go a loooong way towards not having to "remount" sections.

    tis all for now. I'm drunk, its late, I've to install the baffle tomorrow.

  2. ....and she thought that these were Her cats...

    Today, I came home and found this in my rec room. I've still got a bunch of drivers sitting around down there (on shelves). Apparently this Vega & Eclipse were the most comfy though!

    And, these boys had better grow out of this habit!


  3. from what I understood of it, the FU's were knock off's. Think: a wheel company making a one-off Z06 wheel and selling it a lil cheaper so you can put it on your base model... etc.

    They dont sound too much worse. Not as hardy of a sub, from the few that I've been around.

    Theory is that they bought the recipe back when CV was really floundering.

  4. Well I had them (the vega's) in ~11 cubes tuned to 43 w/about 160 sqin of port in the back of a trailblazer. single wall, no real bracing, no idea what the rez freq of the truck was... but playing around with lil tricks on the sensor (w/a stock head unit & 2kw) we got up to low 149.s.

    Even plugged to 34hz w/~80 sqin and 700rms she hit pretty hard for daily. Of course, I only used the enclosure for about two weeks, I had to move someone and never got around to putting it back in before I went with another setup design.


  5. > >Totally straight-faced, he answered her question,

    > >

    > >"It doesn't taste sweet because the taste buds for sweetness are on the


    > >of your tongue and not the back of your throat. Have a good day."


    thats a keeper

  6. congrats... very nice "uberwoof"er. from the look alone i can see it being a showstopper (or at least a pause :P ). you are still planning to "show" this setup, yes?

  7. My .02 bits...

    I've been slowly studying up on TL's and SS enclosures for a couple months. I figure, there has got to be a scientific way to get the effeciency of the driver up over 5%. In the end we talking about electrical components -> soundwaves. Its in the physics, IMHO.

    That being said, I would imagine that with the right enclosure (SS, TL, Voight Pipe, etc) specifically engineered to maximize the back wave (possibly the front also as in 6th order BP) for acoustical gains. Or SPL. Using the 1/4 wave theory, parametric flow, T/S params to acct for electrical effeciency, etc... these theories are all great on paper and in 2D. Now, in real world exercise & testing... Who knows? Not me, not now. :wacko:

    But the Idea, in Theory, Sounds good. And that statement sounds like fluff. LoL

    More to the point, if the math is there in the SS designs, they may be hotter then the cats ass. Not gonna know till the plans go public or you buy one and try it.

  8. Welcome to the forum! :)

    What was the most recent soapbox thread? Haven't been keeping up around there, but I hope it's starting to really fall apart this week.

    Oh, Moderators are now able to close threads ... yay, I guess :unsure: :ugh:

    - Steve

    I believe it was the "Car Audio Drama" thread by Depression and his disciples, in which there was an attempted 'mutiny' a week or so ago.

    Closing threads, eh? Woohoo... that is helpful on quite a few other forums. However, I cant see it helping much at CA.com. Most of the members are likely to just repost...

    ah well... Far as car audio is concerned right now I'm planning out 2 near future SQ based installs and prepping for an extensive SQL install over the coming week... I'm not going to be on, or missing, CA.com for the time being.

    And, there is always more to read online then there is to post about B)

  9. I dont wanna intrude on this lil piece of tranquility...

    I'd have to agree with ss3079 here. Ever since the (most recent) soapbox thread, ca.com may well have shutdown.

    The only real thing of interest now is the friggin classifieds... so sad.

    And, though I'm no where near a mod., I'd have to agree with the general decision.

