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Everything posted by chad.SQ

  1. chad.SQ

    Q18w/BP.D2 from summer of 2008

    i'm in the process of re-boxing my baby, but lack a correct sheet of numbers stating the real parameters of my specific driver. does Fi, or a random someone, own a twin of mine and have records? or do i have to whip out all this awesome equipment i don't have and just wing it
  2. does anyone know of any website that allows people to buy and download HD movies?
  3. -------------------------> really... you actually go out of your way to make fun of people who live an honest life? that's too bad
  4. doesn't netflix only let you rent movies?
  5. yeah i already saw that place.. they aren't consistent with 1080p movies. am i being too picky or are they being too lazy
  6. chad.SQ

    Speaker Stands

    I am looking for a pair of speaker stands for my KEF bookshelf's. I've looked at Parts Express and some mainstream places like Best Buy and I don't like the looks of any stands that I have seen. Preferences: Height - 24"-30". Black. Metal. Anyone have any place to direct me?
  7. chad.SQ

    What the....

    i once read a thread titled "Q vs.Havoc --> Help Me Decide!!" while a thread named "Q vs. Havoc Review" was right underneath it...
  8. chad.SQ

    SSD vs Q Sealed-which is better

    i have a Q18 sealed 8 cubes and i love it. if you listen to a wide range of music and care about how it sounds, then i would consider sealed
  9. chad.SQ


    i love reading positive threads like this. always puts me in a good mood
  10. chad.SQ

    Stupid Question......

    with the space you have, porting a 15" would be pretty perfect
  11. chad.SQ

    time to lose weight.

    bigjon. i have no advice worth taking because my body type is no where near yours. (5'7 135 lbs) all that i've got to say is that i've always had respect for you, but now its just doubled. i will watch this thread and all i expect to read is positive results. be driven by your results, and you will have a story to tell good luck
  12. chad.SQ

    fi good quality???

    rob's right though. once you have those low notes just blast right through you, you don't give a $hit about any other note
  13. chad.SQ

    Blown Fi 15" Q

  14. chad.SQ

    15" Q

    don't do 12's. everyone has 12's. do the 15. you know you want to..
  15. chad.SQ

    FI Q 15" w/bp BOX HELP

    i have a Q18 w/ BP in a 8 cube box with a Crown XTi-1000 pushing 1400 watts (although it's rarely ever cranked up because i'm more of a SQ guy) in general it just doesn't need that much power, but those urges just kinda take over sometimes typing this post reminds me how much in love i am with my Q....
  16. chad.SQ

    Will I kill my BL's ?

    remember, the amp won't blow your subs, it's irresponsibility with the volume knob. you can use the amp, just don't be stupid.
  17. chad.SQ

    fi good quality???

    are you serious?
  18. chad.SQ

    Q or BL which should I get

    when i bought my Q18 w/ BP back in august, i mainly listened to rap. i put it in a sealed box and the sound was unbelievable. after though, i drew up plans to build a low tuned ported box, but just never did it just because i have a syndrome called "tomorrow". but recently i've been listening to more rock/alternative and techno, which the sealed is perfect for... get the Q. go sealed. be happy
  19. chad.SQ

    fi q

    you get what you pay for *cough* hifonics *cough* <-- what was that?
  20. chad.SQ

    cant identify this Fi sub

    the expert has spoken to be honest, i kinda wish my Q had a gunmetal gasket. that would be badass (not like i see it anyways)
  21. chad.SQ

    New Fi Subs

    not gonna lie, i giggled when i read your post
  22. chad.SQ

    Fi Btl 15 Help

    man, i wish my starter sub was a BTL! you do not want to use only one coil. it will not play to its potential. like Rob said, check to see if it is D1 or D2. what do you plan on running for an amp? have you tried it?
  23. chad.SQ

    is the BP power option necessary?

    /\ he's right. with that combo, there should be an option for a downgrade. if i were you personally, get the BP. it never hurts to have headroom. but don't if your wallet will hurt more...
  24. chad.SQ

    newbie with a plan!

    lol. well first off, take your time, pay attention to detail, and post pics
  25. chad.SQ

    Stupid Question......

    oh and btw, if you are looking to own quality products in your sound system, running away from hifonics is step 1, before buying a new sub...