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Everything posted by joe79

  1. joe79

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Great post man, welcome to SSA! Thanks, good to be here.
  2. joe79

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I have been into speakers and car stereos since I was a young buck. I was searching for home theater equipment one evening around Christmas time, I was looking for projector screens and projectors. I always like looking at other peoples creations and looking at Youtube videos. I saw a video of a unboxing of a Z-Con and I thought to myself that is an amazing looking sub. I just recently was able to use my Explorer as my own vehicle now that my wife has her van. And now I am waiting on my first SSA product, an 18" X-Con! Thanks to Aaron that has been there to assist me in all my questions and final help with purchasing. I am grateful. I want to say thank you SSA and everyone who still is passionate about this great enjoyment we get from blasting our heads off with bad ass bass.
  3. joe79

    X-Con 18 Build

    Will post more soon!
  4. joe79

    P1010771 (640x480)

    From the album: X-Con 18" BUild!

  5. joe79

    P1010775 (640x480)

    From the album: X-Con 18" BUild!

  6. joe79

    P1010776 (640x480)

    From the album: X-Con 18" BUild!

  7. joe79

    P1010778 (640x480)

    From the album: X-Con 18" BUild!
