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About KennyC

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  1. KennyC

    Bass is nothing like it should be

    When setting the gains with a DMM I always use the settings I will be listening with (or the most that the sub will see). I.E. Generally the sub is at +2 when bumping and my equalizers are already set to what I like. This way you know how much your sub is getting in comparison to setting it with everything flat and off and then turning it up after the gain. Granted, this probably won't make a change with your situation..just a little advice. Also Subsonic should be dropped a bit if you're looking for lows. With that amount of power and enclosure size you shouldn't have to worry about bottoming those subs out anytime soon. I keep mine at around 15 or so and never have any problems with bottoming out...but as usual every situation is different.
  2. KennyC


    Wow!! I didn't know Jackhammers pack 24k watts of power?!! My subs only push out about 1500 watts ahahahahaha :bigclap: Oh yeah my amps usually do about 167db on the good days too
  3. KennyC

    Double front necessary?

    With such a small box/little power etc. double baffle wouldn't be necessary. If you're going sealed don't forgot about the polyfill option =)
  4. KennyC

    new gear to use w/ my saz 1500d :P

    Good looking numbers =) My DD will be reconed by early next week and hopefully I will have the first of 2 1500's by then as well. Making me excited to get it done
  5. KennyC

    MDF dust how bad for your health?

    I'll let you know in a few years down the road ha I try to use something to cover my mouth/nose when working with it though.
  6. KennyC

    Flared Port Help

    The square port inches for a 4" would be approximately 12.6in^2 Aeroports have been proven to move quite a bit air...some have shown it to be 60% more efficient. So lets say the 4" can account for 20.1in^2 of a normal slot port. 2 would put you at about 40.2. For a box of that size if you go off 15 cubic inches per cubic foot you will need approximately 98" You could go with about 5 4" ports or 6" port = 28.26in^2 == 45.2in^2 slot 2 6" would give you about 90 where as the 5 4" would give you about 100. Hope that helps a little bit. I'm a bit tired and hope the math works out. The 2 6" I think would work best and be the cheapest/most efficient route to go.
  7. KennyC


    Cost is about the only disadvantage I can think of. I love aero's. For 8 cubic feet you will want more than 2 4". When using them remember to take into account displacement of the aeroport like any other port. Aeroports decrease needed port area as well.