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About 98esten

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    Chatham VA
  1. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    what dimensions did you have behind your seat for when you did the Bl 10?
  2. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    were can i find those 8's at?
  3. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    to be loud.
  4. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    no, there is enoght room were they wouldnt hit the seat, so do you think one ported or 2 sealed?
  5. 98esten

    SD-1 v.2 10" Blowout Sale

    i am thinking about doing 4 of these in my 98 s10, reg cab what you think?
  6. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    is it that hard to get help???
  7. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    1.48cft, the box would be 13.5x52x7x3
  8. 98esten

    Box for a reg cab s10

    I have a 98 reg cab s10, i want to do either 2 10'' Fi SSD subs. I would like to know how many i could do and rather do it sealed or ported. Any help would be nice thinks