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Posts posted by Mike.

  1. Haha same here, Legendary is pucking LEGENDARY!

    I suck on campaign, but online I OWN! weird...

    haha legendary is a pain in the butt, just have to be really patient and take your time.

    what's your gamertag for live?

    we got a ridiculous coating of ice yesterday, every single thing is covered in it. Saw some guy fall flat on his back in the mall parking lot, and i almost proceeded to do the same.

  2. I have yet to buy anything from any type of audio company, but I just wanted to say that I will definitely be going with Sundown for amps and possibly subs too. A long while ago I got word of his company and the way Jacob goes about business, and it definitely is reassuring to be able to interact with a good person who has excellent customer service and knowledge. It's a sad thing that we can't have more US production plants and assembly lines but due to the current economic situation and of years past, there is just no way for some companies to afford to make in the USA but the quality is a big issue, and that's where Sundown has it locked down.

  3. Thanks Booosh I will check them out. You don't happen to be on the GC forums or are you? Name sounds familiar.

    dragnix, I've heard they are a bitch to install in.

    But I got this 3 months ago for $1000. 86k miles, perfect condition, leather and loaded, 3800 v6. Pleased with the car overall, but not sure how long i will have it. I may just have it until spring and get a better car.

  4. well I have a 94 LeSabre, and I'm not really trying to have a super loud SPL setup or an amazing SQ setup. More of the middle ground between the 2. Not trying to spend a ton of money but I will spend whatever I need to get a very nice sounding audio setup.

  5. That's what i was thinking too.

    Seems around here Fi, SSA, and the like are pretty damn good.

    I'll just read around here a lot and eventually figure out what I would like.

    Glad to be here and thanks for the welcome everyone.
