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Posts posted by Punkeyboozter

  1. I dont think we should need to pay. The companies selling the gear should bear the cost. Where do they get the figures any way if they dont do proper testing. I mean its not like they just pull it out their ass and slap it on a manual.

    I mean sure if you have a car you will do a dyno and assume your other products produce close enough results. I know some amps do a birth sheet but this usually just states a RMS rating and does not indicate load voltage or any thing else for that matter.

    What can we expect to see on these tests and how will this affect the average Joe on street that does not chase numbers but still want a good product and not buy something that is over rated.

  2. You can do it, it would work. The final impedance will be whatever you choose to wire too.

    Additionally, no matter what anyone tells you, they won't fight each other (as long as you are above system resonance). Some of the most expensive speakers in the world put different size woofers (10" and 12" for example) in a common enclosure.

    Above resonance, they work in tandem, even if one is dissconnected... If one is getting 1/2 the power of the other, they still work in tandem, you just loose output. The higher power driver doesn't fight against the lower powered one...

    Is it a good idea? Probably would yield better results if they did not share a common airspace... All else being equal...

    Expensive does not meen good these days.

  3. You need to model the subs, don't tune to a certain frequency with out knowing what is going on. You will need a subsonic filter. Some movies go down to single digits.

    I modeled them in ISD looks fine to me. Only thing is i might need an external port or part/there-off.

    I dont think my DEnon AVR will have a infrasonic nor will the crown amp Im planning to get, if they do I am yet to discover it. The other infra sonic filters I saw on the market were inline and will never handle this much power...any idea's dont really want to buy a standalone processor just for infrasonic duties. The Denon Audysy is awesome for my needs in other areas though.


  4. I was thinking the same thing the other day; but my reason for change was just so I could try something different. For the money few decks can touch the eclipse.

    If we are talking single din the only other deck I would change to is realistically the P90 or unrealistically the Alpine F1

    Chances are ill keep the 7200 till it dies or change car. The MKII is a awesome deck and many use it for the lower classes in the IASCA runs around here.

  5. I am a fan of the BSN and ON products, take some multi vids lots of water and dont skimp on the greens.

    Almonds, oats, egg white red patato fish chicken lean meat etc. Peanut butter is actually a healthy snack. Avoid any fats as its hard to burn. I do kill the ice-cream as well but people strongly advise against it.

    Here is is my supp list at the moment

    Multi vid

    ON pro complex or 100% whey

    On Amino(great for helping you drink more water to process all the added stuff).

    BSN NoXplode

    bsn syntha-6 as a meal replacement or snack

    some creatine

    Nuun I also do cycling so thats alot of endurance once a week. Nuun is basically something you pop in water and it replenishes electrolytes. During a cycling session I will drink about 3litres of water 500ml of which will be Nuun about alway into the ride.

    Also eat a lot of food but make sure its somewhat healthy and again avoid the fats.

    Cut down on fats at night time as well.

    Currently I am at 105KG and 6ft

    Hit the gym 2-3 times a week and one session of cardio on the wknd.

    Then lastly if you dont care about looking good and just want size follow your frnds advise and dine at the big M or the local fried chicken shop a few times a day.

    Thanks man. Ok so here's an update. I've been trying to eat Alot more, I have spagetti and pasta alot, I eat microwaved chicken breasts, egg and sausage biscuits/croissants, steak every two days, and chicken salad. Everything has been everyday so far, (except the steak) but havent gained weight yet.

    As for my cardio, I kind of have to do all of the running because I'm apart of future soldiers where army recruits are getting me ready for basic training in the army. So we do alot of running and cardio.

    And my weightlifting still hasn't really changed

    I can do 220lbs benchpress 10 times so when I tried 230 it was only 2, 3 times. O.o

    Curls I kinda gained, used to do 50lbs 10 times I've moved up to 65lbs 5 times.

    I think if I stick to this gameplan I will get big right?

    Sure will unless u have tape worms. You will also have to do some physical work in to get to those muscle fibers. Building lean mass will take long but its a bit contreversial; some might say ur working against urself. Still its the healthy way. Bodybuilders will many times just focus on size the whole year followed by a 12-18 week diet. Not that i follow it, but based on the current trend u will notice the guys are huge but many of them have a belly and peronally thats the last thing i want. If rather gave a even build and avoid the crash diets they follow
