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Posts posted by Impious

  1. 3cuft might be pushing it, I could see the sub getting a lot more sloppier.

    Technically a smaller box would be "sloppier". The larger you go, the more overdamped it becomes (lower Qtc), which tightens up transient response and such. Go too large and you can get what's called "critically overdamped"....which most people wouldn't enjoy the sound of as it would be "dry" and "lifeless"....

    But...one thing I've noticed is that the Rl-p drivers don't model well in most programs/calculations (atleast the 12's)....you may be better off sticking with SS's recommended range.

    Interestng Ive always associated a box thats to large as sloppy or muddy. Smaller being tighter more accurate response.

    Smaller boxes will be perceived as "tighter" because of they have a nice hump in the frequency response in the upper bass/lower midbass. This will give the sound a "punchy" or "tight" sound to the bass.....but it's because of the increased output in that frequency range, and NOT because of actual increased "tightness".

    So if the transient response gets tightened as the box size increses why does the bass become muddier or sloppy as I call it.

    It doesn't become muddier or sloppier; what happens is the low frequency output is increased (better low frequency extension) and upper bass output is decreased, so with a larger box you are hearing more TRUE bass (which is slow and "muddy" by nature), rather than enhanced and exaggerated midbass.

  2. Well, my best friend just got news from the Doc that his unborn son doesn't have a chance at survival (his g/f is ~8mos along). They're assessment is that he will die as soon as he takes in oxygen....and, if by some chance he does live past that, his maximum life expectancy is 1yr, and he'll require feeding/oxygen tubes to even stay alive. They've elected not to have him tubed....so, he'll die within hours of being born (at best).

    We've been like brothers for over 4 years now, and I've never seen him tear up, or anywhere even close.....but today, he was choking them back as he was telling me.

    However, since this is a lose-lose situation, they are going to induce labor on day of their choice; and my best friend's birthday is in a week and a half......so they've decided to do it on his birthday.

  3. 3cuft might be pushing it, I could see the sub getting a lot more sloppier.

    Technically a smaller box would be "sloppier". The larger you go, the more overdamped it becomes (lower Qtc), which tightens up transient response and such. Go too large and you can get what's called "critically overdamped"....which most people wouldn't enjoy the sound of as it would be "dry" and "lifeless"....

    But...one thing I've noticed is that the Rl-p drivers don't model well in most programs/calculations (atleast the 12's)....you may be better off sticking with SS's recommended range.

    but figuring the q, there is nothing really to model.either way i'm awaiting mike's email back. i will post his responce to the question when i get it.

    I was just pointing out that a larger box wouldn't be sloppier :D

  4. Last two weeks of July?

    When the RL-S is supposed to debut ;):D

    I still need to find a way to come up with an extra $500 or so from now until then....about halfway there now :gayfight2:

    Semen. Sell your semen.

  5. it does suck to be me right now...

    but come friday the 24th at 2:30pm EST..lol...it'll rule to be me...cuz i'll be in jamaica!!

    wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

    I just went from feeling sorry for you, to being jealous of you.......

  6. it sucks to be all of us... .why?

    Cause we spend too much time on the internet... there is life to lead... there are clouds to look at, ballgames to play, people to laugh with....................................................

    Life is overrated...we are here, we do a whole bunch of stuff none of us really care about, and then we die and it all goes away.

    The clouds are presently dropping rain on me.

    No ballgames tonight (that was last night).

    People suck for the most part, and I don't find most of them to be overly humorous.


  7. 3cuft might be pushing it, I could see the sub getting a lot more sloppier.

    Technically a smaller box would be "sloppier". The larger you go, the more overdamped it becomes (lower Qtc), which tightens up transient response and such. Go too large and you can get what's called "critically overdamped"....which most people wouldn't enjoy the sound of as it would be "dry" and "lifeless"....

    But...one thing I've noticed is that the Rl-p drivers don't model well in most programs/calculations (atleast the 12's)....you may be better off sticking with SS's recommended range.

  8. I think the SS rlp12 use TC9 technology, there are other technology that TC (TC2+, etc) has. Someone with better knowledge can clear this up

    Yup. The Rl-p is based off of the TC Sounds TC9 (with some changes), and the Rl-i is an exact photocopy of the TC2+.

    As for the exact differences between the "stock" TC9, and the Rl-p......I have no idea.

  9. So, I arrive home from work to a package sitting on my back porch. Hmm...that's weird, I don't remember ordering anything. Though I do recognize the name and address of the sender as being one Njccbflo

    What the heck?? LOL.........



    A little abusive, aren't we?

