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Posts posted by Impious

  1. As I said; the Rl-p models horribly. Their box program is correct; using those specs, a .54cuft enclosure should give you a Qtc of .707 (trust me, I just did it by hand using the formulas).

    However, this box size is not actually accurate for the Rl-p (for whatever reason). So, you can't use those formula's/box programs to accurately predict the best enclosure for the Rl-p

    The best thing to do is look at the recommendations by SS for the Rl-p, which in this case happens to be ~.75cuft to 1.5cuft. So, if you want something a little more "punchy" and "tight", go with a box size on the smaller side of the recommendation range (.8-1.15cuft would be good). If you want something with a little more bottom end, flatter frequency response and little better transient response, go with something on the larger side of the recommendation range (~1.15cuft - 1.5cuft would be good). If you want performance close to that of a Qtc .707, aim for the middle (as Acid said, somewhere around 1 - 1.25cuft)

  2. I always like ECA's for sale forum (currently down for revision). Small community, so most everybody knew everybody else, and they typically had the higher end/good old school gear for sale there.

    Carsound is probably my 2nd favorite. Again, because it's mainly higher end gear, awesome old school stuff and harder to find gear.

    So, those are my main two since that's the type of equipment I usually look for. Not that I can afford any of it, but it allows me to falsely keep my hopes up.

  3. Hey I was just wondering the amount of power that can be put through a 12 RL-P as compare with a 15 RL-P? I want to distinguish if I should get 2 12s or 1 15. I am looking for a system that has great spl but at the same time has good sq! Thanks for the help. Mike

    It's going to be box dependent.

  4. very nice! How's the box size recommendation lookin for it? Small box or large box sealed/ported?

    IIRC the last quoted specs, it had a fairly high Qts and low Fs, which aimed it as being better suited towards a sealed box. Don't know if that has changed at all....

    BTW, nice pics :rockwoot:

    Any chance you going to offer a discounted "initial offering" price once these are first released?? :D

  5. You know....to be honest, the only real reason I went with a Rl-p over anything else was because of the way Mike stepped up and took over the Donation Drive over on CA.com. I figured if he was going to put that much effort and personal time into a good cause that he really had nothing to gain from, then that was the kind of guy I wanted to do business with. And the least I could do to "reward" him for his efforts was to give the guy a sale :D

    Not that the Rl-p wasn't already on my list of "options", but the above is the reason I went with it over anything else.

    And I can whole-heartedly say that I don't regret my decision in the slightest :D

  6. I know the rl-p's are solid sql drivers, but just how much is the split between sq and spl?

    Blah...there is no "split". They sound excellent and get pretty darn loud doing it.

    i was wondering how the rlp's would compare to the L7's spl-wise

    Well, technically the Rl-p's have more linear displacement than the L7's....so they should get a "fair" amount louder. But, that's going to be box/install/tuning dependent.

  7. mike, do i really need to send ya an email??

    wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

    Hey man, are we seriously going to have a LMT BBQ party!?!?! If so, I may not bother sending in my request......BUT, if we aren't going to have a get together, then I will need to be sure I get my grubby little mits on that thing :woot:

  8. On another note, I would do the same thing.  The XBL^2 technology is supposed to be "the best."  If the effectiveness of this technology is inferior between who designs/builds motors, why pay money to have "the best" when it's not "the best?"

    That honestly has nothing to do with what Dan said. He never said the XBL^2 built by another vendor was inferior. What he was saying is that all XBL^2 drivers are not equivalent, they are not the same driver. XBL^2 is just a part of the equation, you still have to design an entire driver around it. People have fallen under the misconception that all XBL^2 drivers are "exactly the same"....forgetting that XBL^2 doesn't determine how the entire driver design, as a whole, will behave relative to another sub.

    The comment that sparked this whole thing was basically "Why would I pay $XXX for an Adire driver, when I can get the exact same thing from AA for half that." (in reference to the MSRP pricing on Adire's webpage).

    I completely, 100% agree with Dan's comments, and anyone with any common sense should have taken them as "obvious statement of facts", rather than an insult to a competitor.

    I also feel that AA simply jumped on the opportunity to smear someone's name in the mud while promoting their new technology. This wasn't the reason, it was a timely an opportunity. Frankly, I kinda look down on AA after this.......

  9. Indeed that is NOT a typo whoa.gif:banhim:

    The Enhanced Q configurations are oftentimes quite small.  I doubt many people will actually use them, but I included them just as a comparative instrument for people analyzing the graphs.

    .. and LOONY?!  I'll loony you Supa_C crazy2.gifrockets.gif


    PS.  I know there is some missing information on the pages as well - I'll be getting to that as soon as I get my new 18" caliper in the mail later this week =]

    Just curious why you don't have IB recommended on your site for the Rl-i series?


  10. Squeak, you can add my name to your list. I just sent my info in and will mail out my check tomorrow morning.

    Well, I already sent my info to Mike :) If you're info shows up, I'll be sure to pass it along. But you can go ahead and get a hold of Mike directly aswell :fart:
