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Everything posted by a1sauce47

  1. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    What is the rms power rating on those subs?There is no such thing as under powering a sub. If you have a amp that puts out only 200 watts rms above the subs rating you can adjust the gain to not over power them. You have a lot to learn about car stereo ! Well yeh actually you can under power them . considering they are rated for 1000 RMS and they are only getting 750 a piece I'm pretty sure that's underpowering. And yes I have a lot to learn that's why I'm asking questions on an audio forum
  2. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    I am pleased with the type r I have but I was fairly new to all this when I bought them so I chose the 4ohm dvc and am wired to 4ohms giving it a 1500 watt load so they are underpowered. I didn't know whati was doing at the time and was afraid I would fry them if I got the 2 ohm dvc which would be over powering them by 200 watts but now I just want to get the maximum output from my amp since it is really expensive. The alpine mrx m240 has gone way up in price since I bought it I have considered getting new 2 ohm type r but I want to try something different. I reside in the middle of no where and not many folks out here have systems although there is a audio store but the dude like recommends power akoustik mofos and those aren't the greatest in my opinion. as far as this modeling goes I will sure do my research I appreciate the feedback.When i do make my decision. On what I get I'll be sure to post the results after the break in. Maybe I can help someone else out in my similar situation.
  3. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    The reason I have the enclosure at 4 cube net at 32 hz is because that was what I'd been told by many different people that was the best enclosure for alpine type r but who knows everyone has different opinions. Im just not interested in getting another enclosure built or switching amps I just want to maximize with what I have .
  4. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    Cool I appreciate it. Didn't even know that was possible to simulate this kind of stuff, pretty neat I'm still learning about car audio when I first started I thought it was as simple as putting a sub in a box but I've come a long way but still have a lot to learn. And I know amps don't pull watts I don't know why I put that exactly guess I got to typing to fast.
  5. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    Tbh I don't even know what modeling is so maybe give me some insight?
  6. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    My box has an internal net volume of 4^3 . port is tuned to 32 hz rear firing in the trunk of a grand am with the seats folded down. I have no idea how to test these variable that y'all are mentioning and I def. Don't have the money to buy each set of woofers to compare which ones are louder. Sq is not my goal in my setup but obviously don't want.t it to sound like crap but I guess my overall goal is more SPL. My amp will pull 2400 watts at its max and I want to use it to its full potential. Now It is wired at 4 ohms pulling 1500 watts . i know sub's in trunks don't get as loud as a hatchback.
  7. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    I was hoping someone could just give opinion on how each one performs I'm just a daily user not competition. I just want something that's going to out do the alpines.
  8. a1sauce47

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    Sound qubed does have a tech that gives box sizes but not for specific sub's. I know the xfl has lower q's and x max and also has a bigger magnet and motor . but the HDS are rated for a little more RMS. I Was hoping someone here might have used either or both sub's and could give me a little insight. I know opinions will vary but I want a louder deeper sub than the type r.
  9. I have 2 alpine type r 12 DVC 4ohm subs In ported black box tornado series. My Kenwood head unit has a 2.5 volt Preout. I have had my gain on my alpine mrx m240 half way up with no bass boost and crossover set at 85 on the amp wired at 4 ohm putting out 1500 watt into 2 alpine type r. I got the smd distortion detector a few days ago to see if I was clipping . I live in the middle of no where and the local audio shop has no clue what they are doing so I installed everything and set gains myself. I used the smd dd1 and it at my max volume on the headunit which is 35 it shows my amp starts clipping at slightly above 1/4 on the gain . I rarely get my volume past 26 on the headunit so I checked! Where the gain would clip using volume 28 on my hu and it shows the amp not clipping at all even with the gain. All the Way up which makes no sense to me. I left my gain halfway and rarely get past volume 26 on my hu . I am pleased with how the subs hit but Still wondering if I am clipping any thoughts? Some feedback would be greatly appreciated fairly new to the car audio scene and IM losing sleep over this
  10. a1sauce47

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Big Krit ~ my Sub Bassnectar ~ basshead Anything big Krit and bassnectar hits hard and clean
  11. I messed up the quote my fault I did my research on this forum found exactly what I waz looking for . Forgive me for my noob ways lol gotta start somewhere though
  12. I did throw in that this audio stuff is new to me, I've always loved music and now that I got my amp and subs I found.d out there is alot more to just having subs that there is alot of technical details to this stuff, I take my music very seriously and I blew some fosgates In a month due to lack of knowledge of what I was doing so my new setup I want perfect .
  13. What IM saying is my max hu volume I use is around 26 or 28 and the smd shows know clipping at this volume even with the amp gain all the Way up but if I set the gain with the smd using max Vol 35 it clips with the amp gain. A quarter of the way up. It doesn't make sense how it would clip at 35 with gain low as opposed to not clipping at using volume 26 even if I set the gain to max. It just confuses me