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Posts posted by ohio45113

  1. Get the biggest alternator you can for your car, don't cheap out on an alt because its a low price. Go with a reputable company, a yellow top under the hood and 2-3 in the rear is a start but nobody can give you an exact number. If not those Diehard Platinum G31s from Sears are the best bang for the buck right now and 2 of them should suffice depending on the rest of the electrical upgrades.

    thanks for the advice. was only going yellowtop because of how cheap I can get them.. but from what little research ive done on alts it seems a 250a is big as I can get.. maybe it would be better if I ran stock alt and the 250 just for the system. idk lol.. also if anyone sees or has a used one for a decent price hook me up

  2. ok so ill start with the car I have.. its a 2002 chevy cavalier... I recently bought to drive back and forth to work. ok so I just picked up a bc3500 last night and im gonna order either single 12 or a single 15 ssa zcon.. undecided yet still looking at box designs with frogcase2002 (casey). anyway I need some info on the electrical aspect of it.. gonna do the big three.. just need info on batteries and alternator... I can get yellotop optimas pretty damn cheap the company I work for orders them in bulk and I can get them for their cost.. anyway which company should I go with on alts? I seen ebay alts pretty cheap but idk how well they perform... if you guys could recommend a alt that would be great and how many yellow tops I would need or a better battery substitute? ok thanks guys and any advice is appreciated. . this is gonna be my first setup thats gonna be done right and I wanna try to get everything I need the first time around.. thanks again for any help

  3. whats up guys? im new to this forum and found out about it from a friend casey.. frogcase2002 on here.. I live in a small town in ohio and am 29 years old. im no expert in the car audio scene but I love loud ass music lol.. but yeah just sayin whats up and happy to join the forum. seems full of good info

  4. what size port you go with

    Found one that's right about 9 inches. I was getting some wood and seen them concrete tubes. And they came in 8 and 12 inch where I was but noticed that each one was a little different in size so went and got a tape measurer and found one of the 8 inch ones that was just about 9 inches. And I was wanting one in between a 10 and an 8 so it worked out good. . . . . . . Enclosure is going to be a little over 6 cubes and im going to make removable ports with the 9 inch round port

    I wanna hear the new box as well.. I personally thought the old box was loud as hell... idk how much louder its gonna be without more power but im curious to see how it sounds.. soon as these xfls sell im gonna order a single zcon for my cavalier... you think we can use one of your zcons to test box designs? that way we can get a box built and I can have everything ready for when my zcon gets here.. im gonna call or email them today and see what kinda wait time there is.. also I was thinkin about 2 of tbose crescendo pwx 6.5s in the front doors and 2 8 inch ones in the back deck lid..sound like a good idea or? also any recommendations on tweeters or components?