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Everything posted by JimJ

  1. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sounds like a plan
  2. JimJ

    Noob needs SQ suggestion from the pros

    Have you read that link I gave you? This is one place where listening to as much stuff out there is a good idea...gives you an idea what you like, and what you'd like to avoid...
  3. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This ranks high on the weirdness scale... http://undigitize.net/ I give them a check minus, though. At least the people selling magical quartz crystals and soundstage-improving wooden blocks could come up with some creative psychobabble for their products...
  4. JimJ

    The "New Line" information?

    I believe Ascendant is going to be the source for speakers like that...and about the last thing the 12V market needs is another line of Class A/B amps
  5. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to buy beer tomorrow...all out
  6. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i dont get why they dont tax or regulate the crap out of imported vehicles. american motor corps can't really compete with a better product if it costs the same or is cheaper. I don't get why american companies don't learn from their competitors and start making good vehicles. If the foreign companies have an unfair advantages then tax them to keep them just barely unfair. Just enough that the American companies will strive to be better and not feel complacent and make some good vehicles With such a high number of foreign-owned companies manufacturing here using American labor, I don't know how effective high tariffs would really be. Also, by putting up high tariffs we run the risk of having foreign manufacturers basically write us off as a viable market and pour their efforts into China and India, where they'll get a heck of a lot more return for their investment. I think we're going to have to get used to the idea that there's a very good possibility we could become irrelevant to the global economy given the current approach...given how inept we've been to adapt to other trends, I doubt we'll handle this one any better, but who knows.
  7. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Georgia, huh...should make a detour to VA, it would motivate me to get a new turntable by then My Ford was imported
  8. JimJ

    Resin in box?

    If you want to do a little experiment, take some resin with nothing else added, let it cure into solid form, and see how sturdy it is Resin on MDF has no added structural benefit, adding glass to it would, but at that point it's money that's better spent elsewhere.
  9. Given unclipped output from the amp, I highly doubt you'd notice a difference between 1 and 4 ohms, for example, even in higher frequencies.
  10. JimJ

    4 door lambo pics

    Very true, but it did not sell much. lol you know what they did before exotics, right??? on the concept...i love it, of course it's a bit out there because its a concept but i would definitely drive the hell out of it Yeah, but that's different
  11. JimJ

    What do you guyz think of those?...

    I know of a bunch of people that use Ciare midbasses as a cheaper alternative to the Visaton B200 in open baffle applications, although obviously for OB they're using a different one with a much higher Qts value. I've never heard anything bad about their build quality, so I'd give it a shot
  12. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's never gonna give me up
  13. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Holy shit. I am in the wrong business. U mean u guys didnt buy those too... I tried making them out of a different wood and my soundstage just went to shit.
  14. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A 150Hz front horn with a small full range driver would be fun...15" midbasses...dual 18's in floorstanding horns for stereo subbass...figure out where to put it all later Actually, I know what'll happen...I'll put it upstairs at my folks' place, they'll hear it and never want to give it back... I need a real listening room
  15. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Now you're just tempting me to make a road trip
  16. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.oswaldsmillaudio.com/millsys.html *drools*
  17. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    HOLY CRAP, $250 for a pair of RCA ends. Yikes, I am in the wrong business. But that makes me think, we will have to come out with a driver that has a bunch of fancy technical feature names and charge 3x Icon pricing. I mean why not have one esoteric offering? Two people buy one and 1/8 of the production run is paid for, haha. Individual subs are not a good high-end market. Unless you already have the enclosures built, nobody that's going to pay $1500 per meter for interconnects is going to pick up a sheet of wood to build one. Look at the rooms at CES or RMAF. You don't see too many subs.
  18. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/acousti...tem4/sugar.html Those were the best, though.
  19. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    "Quantum purification"...I love it.
  20. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron, this is the business you need to get in to...forget low margin products for hoodrats... http://www.bybeetech.com/ourtech.asp What's worse is those were fervently recommended I couldn't stop laughing...
  21. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have 1000. oops. I'm sure I'll test its limits. Be very careful. This Mag is not an ""SQL"" driver that'll take 2kW if you decide to get froggy with it...I managed to tap backplate with it, and if I could do that, that says something You managed to get a sub to tap the backplate? Wow... I know, I have main speakers that have less than 2mm of Xmax and got the Mag to bottom out on Reflections of Earth That wouldn't stop me from buying it at all, though...under a kW it's incredible.
  22. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There was a dark blue K75S parked out in front of the building coming out of project management today. Wish I was taller, I hear it's one of the smoothest rides around, and the engine is good for 250k mi+, but apparently it's death on anyone short without some major lowering mods...
  23. JimJ

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It depends on the crowd that shows up. I have a feeling Audiogon is going to remain the audio classifieds site I check, if any
  24. JimJ

    Few Questions

    Really, they should be for show vehicles only. I've never liked the idea of people driving around with that much added mass, and completely ruining any chance at rearward visibility they might have had...people have a hard enough time driving without that obstructed But for a trailer queen or something that only gets driven to shows on weekends, go for it. In theory, someone could wall off a vehicle and make something that's an approximation to a real infinite baffle, the commonly quoted figure is a sealed enclosure 4 to 10 times the Vas of the driver or greater...I've never seen this done, but the effect might be impressive. Or, someone could use many drivers in their recommended volume and end up with something that requires next to no cone travel to achieve the desired output for SQ...it'd certainly be a way to keep the suspension from going into nonlinearity.