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About freeweight

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  1. freeweight

    eD 16O.v2?

    i had a 16k.v2 ,i have a 16o.v2 on the way ,the k.v2 was awesome ,IMO unmatched in the price range ... $100 ....handled EVERYTHING i gave it ,very smooth ,tight punchy,just plain accurate,got right loud with only 300w...loud enough for my uncle to say "turn that down ...man"....playin 45hz test tone in sealed enclosure (1.9 cubes) i havent heard a idmax , hope this helps ya out
  2. freeweight

    rl-p SQ/SPL compared to ED O.v2 SQ/SPL

    look i didnt want to start a war here ,just wanted info ,but i can say that i have NEVER had a problem with ED ,ben is NOT about money ..when UPS broke my 15k and wouldnt pay for it ben sent me a new one..free of charge.... i owned a 16k.v2 a lil while ago and i dont think any sub can compare to that thing and cost the same price ($100)..... so yes the quality has IMPROVED greatly ah well ...somone give me info when they get it ...on the comparison
  3. anyone done a test on this yet ,im just curious might pick up a rl-p one day to play with how would they compare sealed with like 1000w,and ported with 1000 also how would they compare ported with the same power (or less) thanks...