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Everything posted by ncacoates

  1. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Funny you say that i was looking at the VFL-500.1 and the 750.1 lastnight. I never really hear much about them but i can honestly say what i have has always been awesome. At this point im gonna see what gains i get with the new batteries then move up from there. On a side note got the tracking number and hopefully get them before the show Sunday id like to hurt some feelings lol. Nothing like 225lbs of batteries shipped for free either lmao.
  2. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    aww dang i do remember hearing that.. its all good i slap d series under there price isnt too much diffrent.
  3. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Well the old baby battery bank is finally kicking it fast. I didnt expect it to hold up under 6k for too much long but i cant seem to keep it from dipping into mid 11s almost instantly. As much as it hurt pushing the pay now button i got some killer batteries coming this week. I ended up going with the 3 XS Power XP3000s and ill be getting a XP2000 or 2500 for under the hood soon after depending which will fit. I figure going from a measly 150ah to 400ah+ sould put some serious kick back into the beast. If i dont get the gains im looking for it may be time to leave sundown amps for a large .5ohm capable amp. Never been a dd nut hugger but the m4a looks to supply stupid power at a lower voltage than the ns-1. I feel for a daily groundpounder I may sway towards the m4a.
  4. ncacoates

    Sundown Audio SD-2 8" Prototypes

    That's pretty crazy Jake! Honestly gonna consider a few of these for the mini when i get it.
  5. ncacoates

    Metered the hccas for the first time :)

    Great score man! Once you get that 150 i promise youll have your sites set on a 155. Ive slowly learned that its stupid hard and expensive if you don't want a fart box lmao.
  6. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Seriously nasty for the power if i could just get more. I need to get a new bank of batteries and a single amp. Rise is kicking my ass on average im around 3-3.5 I ran a single 3k at .5 and rise was on average 1-1.5 so im thinking a single 6-7k amp might solve my problems. Just need to sell the 3ks and find something that fits the bill just limited on budget around 1200. Thanks bud i really wish i was farther north or south things here in nc aren't to good for car audio. Id really like to make it to one major show this year so a bunch of people can get a chance to hear it.
  7. ncacoates

    5k Amp?

    More than you think. Ill leave it to M5 to explain if he feels like it.
  8. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Haven't made much progress as of late my work schedule of 5 10s has been kicking my ass. First order of business will be new batteries as mine are finally taking a shit after 5 years of abuse. Either way heres a crappy video of the last car show i went to. Ended up getting a 152.5 on music with drivers door open peaking at 36-38hz. I consider that stout considering my batteries were barley maintaining 12.5 and i was clamping 4300wrms. If i can get more power i think i can pull a 54+ on music just maybe and being no wall that's impressive to me.
  9. ncacoates

    A blast from the passed Ernie's Rodeo

  10. Looks wicked man its nice to see my old n2s doing work. Seriously are some nasty damn subs and im sure with the alt and tweaks you'll get a 160. I do believe a stripper pole and some serious roof work is needed first.
  11. ncacoates

    sundown lincoln

    Looks like your killing it man! 151 trunk is pretty crazy especially considering the back seats were in.
  12. ncacoates

    Sundown SAZ-3500D v.2 Prototype Complete

    Looks good and by my guess it appears like it may have gained some efficiency. curious to see a test!
  13. ncacoates

    4 15's in Civic Hatch

    Looks killer! That's some serious windshield flex too.
  14. ncacoates

    Battery setup help needed

    Something is wrong if its dropping that bad. I'd suspect a bad alternator or bad grounds. I have roughly twice the power on 160ah of battery bank and an xp250 with little drop. I maintain 13+ most the time full tilt.
  15. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    I got it from toolmaker he can laser etch just about any design you want.
  16. I'll drive there and kick you if this thing doesn't do a mid 50 lol. You'd have to do something seriously wrong considering my low tuned box with those n2s would do 50 on the glass.
  17. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Thanks man! Toolmaker posted it up friday i couldn't say no lol. Figured out hes only a couple hour drive right here in nc too. Yep sure did but only did one quick run on music. Did a 153.9 on the windshield with the driver and passenger windows down. I figure with better song choice and more tweaks i could get a mid 54 and maybe a 55 on a burp. Thanks! Im working on the videos just need the time and place to do it. Its pretty retarded the amount of flex im getting cant wait to show y'all.
  18. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Has absolutely nothing to do with performance but i saw it and had to have it lol. Makes it look so much better to me at least.
  19. Looks killer man keep up the good work! I think i spy my old btls up top yeahhh buddy!
  20. ncacoates

    '97 Toyota Celica Wall Build

    Dude that's awesome wish i had the room for something like that in my doors.
  21. ncacoates

    Armykyle1's Build

    Larger motor structure means nothing if its not optimized. There is some serious refinement in the SA's motor and it shows it in the performance it puts out. Ive seen direct swaps from much larger subs to sa's with significant gains.
  22. ncacoates

    Mazda 8x SA-12 build

    Dang i obviously missed these posts ive been so busy this week. I had considered running the sundown neo's but honestly im looking more for sq as most the time i drive i listen to rock and such. As loud as 8-12s are full tilt you really don't pay attention to whats being said you just enjoy the blurry vision and your car falling apart lol. That's how it is for me anyway. I plan to get ya'll some more pictures and and updates this weekend as im gonna try and get the majority of the pods done then. Tried today but i measured the hardener wrong and halfway through applying the resin on the other base plate it started to harden............ anyways i got the mids in and let me just say they are built like tanks.
  23. ncacoates

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    Craftsmanship is top notch man! Cant wait to see whats next if it looks like this so far.
  24. ncacoates

    You cant survive that truck!

    I havent recieved a warning or pm or anything? All I do is share my videos, I dont troll or anything Regardless of trolling or not you're sole purpose here is to post your videos. You have no contribution here and like said in the previous post you simply promote yourself. This is a common running theme with you on many sites. I honestly feel bad for you needing everyone's praise to feel completeness in your life.