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Everything posted by BenHemp

  1. BenHemp

    Props to Nick!

    SUV's like the kick panel. That score could be much higher
  2. BenHemp

    sundown nightshade hmmmmm

    Somewhat similar.
  3. BenHemp

    Special DD subs

    I think this could imply to every install. If I wanted to run a sealed enclosure with 500rms, I wouldn't think a DD 9500 would fit the bill. That doesn't mean the 9500 is total shit. Well that one reason doesn't anyways. Just a post for the DD nuthuggers, that's all
  4. BenHemp

    Special DD subs

    I know you're aware of my situation, but I'm just demonstrating that DD isn't always the best sub for the job.
  5. BenHemp

    Special DD subs

    I liked the DD, but the BTL fit my application better.
  6. BenHemp

    Special DD subs

    I had a 9518g and a BTL 18 at the same period of time and tested both. I sold the DD.
  7. BenHemp


    There's no reason to play low power for a "break in period." Put the sub in your car and let it wang.
  8. BenHemp

    quality of my fi btl n3

    im hoping to hit 150 or above thats my goal 10,000 watt amp 4 batterys and these subs With that amount of equipment I would hope so
  9. BenHemp

    quality of my fi btl n3

    Purdy purdy.
  10. BenHemp

    fi n3 tunning?

    This is a SPL sub. If you know anything about SPL at at all you would know to not ask this question because it is entirely install and vehicle dependent. Fi doesn't recommend using this sub for a daily driving scenario. /rant.
  11. BenHemp

    rms on btl n2

  12. BenHemp

    Extremely Disappointed

    Kids, stop frying your voicecoils. It makes for long argumentative discussions.
  13. BenHemp

    Extremely Disappointed

    100 volts, 314.159/200 = 1.57 = 57% more area under the curve of the square wave.
  14. BenHemp

    Extremely Disappointed

    http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=integrate+30sin+x+dx+from+x%3D0+to+pi http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=integrate+30+dx+from+x%3D0+to+pi&asynchronous=false&equal=Submit 94.2/60 = 1.57
  15. BenHemp

    Extremely Disappointed

    Bump that voltage up even higher
  16. BenHemp

    V.1 ns 18" 150.7 @headrest

    Alex is da mang.
  17. BenHemp

    Extremely Disappointed

    Heat is a voicecoil's foe.
  18. BenHemp

    Port questions round vs vent

    Two 6's would be a lot of port area for a box that small and such a low tuning. The port length would probably be quite long.
  19. BenHemp

    BTL N3 - When ?

    N2's Sean
  20. BenHemp

    BTL N3 - When ?

    If you're going to be playing music, you need to get N2's.
  21. BenHemp

    BtL N2 Motor Thoughts

    Carl Casper's is in Feb. Not sure if I'm competing or not, but I'll be at the show.
  22. BenHemp

    BtL N2 Motor Thoughts

    yes i compete in MECA this is only my second year competing tho,and when i travel from show to show one thing about KY MECA shows is that alot of the installs you see are mostly set up for SPL and not SPL and show. you will see alot of daily drivers come out and put the system in the car for that day only, on the other hand half of the guys work hard and have something that is completely custom and can still remain dedicated for SPL. The whole point of MECA is not to look good, in all honestly MECA is about being loud and putting up big numbers! They have PHAT awards for best install and best car best 12" 15" sub etc, things like that, also a SQ(sound quality) comp the same day, but still looks mean nothing there as well.. I agree with you, if your going to build it at least make it look good, in the last month i have spent close to 10k in order to make my car look and sound as good as possible. As for the inverted subs, thats not something you will usually see at MECA shows (at least the ones ive been to) i think it looks really good myself but for SPL it doesn't seem to ever work as well, atlest not for me lol but then again im sure more improvements could have been made. i do love my BTL N2's ass end, it would look great showing them off,but im sticking to a very simple design. in the next few weeks i will begin stripping the car and starting the wall build, i will keep pics posted through the build. i promise everyone it will not be a ugly install job Didn't know that you did MECA. I'm sure that we'll come across each other at a show this year.
  23. BenHemp

    BtL N2 Motor Thoughts

    Looking forward to getting mine