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Everything posted by ANeonRider

  1. ANeonRider

    Secrets to box building

    As for screws, I use 1.75" (when using 0.75" MDF) coarse threaded decking screws. Sealing... I use the MDF dust I make, mix it up with a ton of carpenter's glue, and spread it on the seams, makes for a very very solid seam.
  2. ANeonRider

    RLP-15 info

    Sq in sealed is better, but you can get a nice response in the correct ported box too, but sealed will always be better.
  3. ANeonRider

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Found out some retarded chit this morning.... wellll... I took this great gal to the bar on Friday night for a buddy's bday party, and she ran into a old friend of her's. He seemed kind of weird to me, but hey, who am I to judge. He bought her two drinks, both of which she does not see him buy, and all seemed fine for a while.... Then she just became unbelieveable intoxicated (4 drinks at the bar, that is all... and she has a good tolerance) and stumbling, and just not herself (i.e. very touchy feely), so I got her out of there... and let her sleep it off at my place. She woke up in the morning, and had no idea what happened at the bar, she says she remembers getting there, and meeting a bunch of my friends, getting a cpl drinks in her, then blank.... The only drink that she did not get for herself, or steal from me when I was half done, was the drink this old friend of her's bought her. Sure enough, he phoned her yesterday, and she told him she thinks that her drink was spiked... and how low and sick it was for someone to do that, and the guy laughs very awkwardly and then cuts the conversation short. fudge, I am pissed, such a good thing I was there to make sure she was ok, pucking sick bastard... if I ever see that guy again, he will wish he had never met me... or fudgeed around like that.
  4. ANeonRider

    new to this board

    welcome to the partay!
  5. ANeonRider

    Hi, I'm Ravo...

    haha, washed up ca.com members? That's humorous.
  6. ANeonRider

    The 10 Biggest Lies in Audio

    Die Die Die!
  7. ANeonRider

    This thread disturbs me

    It pains me to see how ignorant and pampered people have turned into, but I still have a positive outlook on life, I just choose not to have any contact with stupid people.
  8. ANeonRider

    Need help with a box

    use the 2 ft^3 tuned to 34Hz, just don't play tones below 25Hz.
  9. ANeonRider

    Should I polyfill & Amp Question...

    The polyfill does make it have slightly better low end extension, but don't think of it as "thinking" it is a bigger box, it just lowers the resonant frequency of the box.
  10. ANeonRider

    kicks sounding hollow

    Resonance doesn't always mean flexing. Your kicks are probably a tad big, and the resonant frequency is high. Dampening material would help more than the hole I think.
  11. ANeonRider

    SS Rl-p15 and MRD-M605

    I don't think so. Should sound good, dependant on the install of course
  12. ANeonRider

    Need help with a box

    click on link in sig
  13. ANeonRider

    Usher Audi 3-way setup

    I like running my sub crossed at 60Hz, mids/tweets at 50Hz and ^ In this case, all depends on install and personal preference as to where u cross it over.
  14. ANeonRider

    problem solved?

    anything bigger than an inch of clearance is GTG IMO.
  15. ANeonRider


  16. ANeonRider

    RL-p diy sub

    use a single 15" in ~4 ft^3 tuned to 18Hz.
  17. ANeonRider

    ugly mugs!

    That's the only time I have any pictures of myself. Seriously, the only pics of me that I have that aren't drunk pics are ones from High School grad.
  18. ANeonRider

    ugly mugs!

    This is me http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v80/ANeo...er/DSCF0051.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v80/ANeonRider/medrunk.bmp Ya... I was dipping into the gin that night
  19. ANeonRider

    The 10 Biggest Lies in Audio

    well... I put that link up for discussion on a local car club board and this is one response I got, lol My response:
  20. ANeonRider

    kicks sounding hollow

    Found it:
  21. ANeonRider

    kicks sounding hollow

    aperiodic enclosure Actually been known to improve midbass response. Trying to find the article I read once about it. Also...
  22. ANeonRider

    The 10 Biggest Lies in Audio

    all so true, and all things I have said before at some time.
  23. ANeonRider

    A RL-p in .55cuft excursion and distortion

    Acid? squeak been on some acid