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alan dante

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Everything posted by alan dante

  1. alan dante

    new member alan dante

    hey everyone im just gonna let ppl know im here. i came over from termpro and hope to see how things go here. for ppl that dont know who i am u will soon learn and ppl that do know me will tell you i have accomplished quite a bit with my single sub in extreme class. if u dont know me google my name alan dante and u see.
  2. alan dante

    new member alan dante

    thanks guys i hope to have fun here just like termpro. well see ya in the threads! its kinda funny seeing me signing in on the NOOB sign in LMFAO!!
  3. alan dante

    2 batts?

    i sure am the one the only. wanted to do another forum besides termpro all the time, so i figuered what the hell ill give this forum a shot. didnt you read my noob introduction lol. NOOB is far out of my vocab LMFAO I understand that one. But welcome to the forum man, I have mad respect for you. well thanks duran ill be posting stuff from termpro here aswell so you guys can see what im up to next.
  4. alan dante

    From: 2 batts?

    hey hey
  5. alan dante

    2 batts?

    i sure am the one the only. wanted to do another forum besides termpro all the time, so i figuered what the hell ill give this forum a shot. didnt you read my noob introduction lol. NOOB is far out of my vocab LMFAO
  6. alan dante

    2 batts?

    what is that forklift guy on crack he seems to have basic as basic knowledge can get and thats the extent i see. him sayin he has all this experience id be embarrassed to say he works for me! you sure can use older batts with newer ones just like that guy xtreme mentioned. you need to charge the older ones or one with a charger that will give it a full charge and place it inline with the other. that will keep the alt from getting a false reading from the batt saying im full no more juice please. only thing i do see that the xtreme guy said wrong is series/parrallel its series/series or dasiy chained.