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About marthastricycle

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  1. marthastricycle

    2 12" SSD's and 1 MMats 1400.1

    I'm thinking of running a 15" BTL (dual 2 ohm) off of it. How's that sound?
  2. marthastricycle

    2 12" SSD's and 1 MMats 1400.1

    In that case it wouldn't put out 1400wrms correct if it's running at 2ohm?
  3. marthastricycle

    2 12" SSD's and 1 MMats 1400.1

    I'm planning on purchasing 2 12" SSD's and power them with my MMats 1400.1. Question, the subs come dual 2 ohm. With two of them wouldn't that make the amp run at .5 ohm? This wouldn't work right?
  4. marthastricycle

    I have a predicament

    Ahh I see. The BL series are qaulity subs? I haven't used Fi audio so excuse my lack of knowledge =)
  5. marthastricycle

    I have a predicament

    So I've been bumping two American Bass XD 10's powered by a mmats 1400.1 amp. I think I just burned up one of the subs so I obviously want to replace. I want something louder. My system hit 153.2db and that's with two 10's. I like American Bass's products but the VFL's are 1500wrms each and I don't want to buy another amp. I'm looking at the Fi subs and specifically the IB3 12's. Anybody have them? They're 50wrms each more then XD's (500wrms each). The amps 1400wrms @ 1 ohm so I don't want anything that's more then 650wrms each. Reccomend another sub? Thanks =)