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About collegiate89

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  1. collegiate89

    CD7200 Mk II Compatibility

    Alright sounds good. Thanks for all the replies.
  2. collegiate89

    CD7200 Mk II Compatibility

    I am considering an Eclipse CD7200 Mk II, which has 8v pre-outs. I'm wondering if there is going to be a compatibility issue since sundown amps are specified for up to 6 volts.
  3. collegiate89

    100.4 output?

    Sweet, thanks for the replies.
  4. collegiate89

    100.4 output?

    When you say the 50.4 isn't flexible enough, are you speaking with the assumption that he'll use the crossovers in the amp? I planned on running 4 tweeters off this amp using an 880prs to set crossover points, but now I'm trippin out here.
  5. collegiate89

    Sundown e8s

    I'm helping my friend find some e8s and everywhere seems to be sold out, plus it looks like there's a rush for them on forums. What's the deal? Is there just a shortage in production? Update in design? On hiatus? I'm just afraid they're being discontinued.
  6. collegiate89

    Rumors of my Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated

    Never posted here before, but it's just sad to see this happen to a ranger. I also dig the title.