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Posts posted by finebar4

  1. I got mine in a 1.25 because i wasn't building for loud, but rather SQ. If you are seeking full potential on the output, go ported. I am feeding mine with a Orion 1200D and am upgrading the alternator next week because my charging seeking is under great duress during peaks in outputs. This sub will take the 1200 no sweat, ( :+1: on the impedence rise) but my first suggestion would be going straight off the battery so your amp can take clean big bites of amperage, my second would be, go with a bigger ported box and you will never ask again, did I make the right choice.

  2. Fonzi, funny u should mention Sound Advice. They have been in buisness for years, bought my very Punch 150 from them in '86 in Sarasota, FL. They used to (and probably still) sponser a few Iasca shows around FL and GA, which is where I cut my teeth back in the day. But to your main point, I HATE when the sales staff has absolutely no clue about the products they carry or any of the other brands they don't. Obviously they are going to pitch what they have, but when you ask their opinions on how x compares to y, they have never even heard of y.

  3. :+1: Ryan.

    After reading the rants, I soooooo appreciate this board for what it is..... a no BS collective of minds here to help each other out, not here to see how many attacks we launch a night. Steve would be a great and welcome addition to this board. If we can't get the big companies to hear us, maybe the smaller ones round here will pick up and run with this. Wish I had the venture capital myself to fire something up.

  4. Dennis, I so feel your pain :Doh: I spent the better part of the day building shelves for my garage and tonight when I was cleaning up and putting away, I grabbed a box and lifted and didn't see the 4' pressure treated 4x4 leaning on it :blink: The kids playing out on the street got some new words for their vocabulary :domoslay: . This is after an hour of elavation and ice. I just so happened to get about 4" away as the end of that 4x4 smacked me right on the ankle bone. Denim!!!!! I need a DR or at least an Rx.



  5. LoL - agreed. It's very addictive. I've been fudging around with this truck for just about a year.... I probably wont stop until I sell it or trade it in.

    But at least we're always looking to improve... thats good, right?


    Thats very good....great minds are always seeking ways to improve things......right? Hey 60, when I pull the focals I'll drop u a line. Should be in the next month.

  6. YOu know what I hate???!!!

    When you have the skills and experience to do a job better than someone, but they get the opportunity becuase they have a piece of paper stating they have knowledge, even though their knowledge can't compare to the experience.  Bullish!

    I am on the complete opposite end of that spectrum, steve knows I vent all my job problems to him,

    I have just shy of 200 credits, 3 degrees, and am about to start my doctorate, and I am stuck forever in this Catch-22, I cannot get the job with out the experience, but wait I can't get the experience without the job, :Doh:

    I bust my tookus in school, I wish employers would understand I would do the same for them, and I cannot let myself take an "entry level" job, it would not be enough to get by to pay for school and pay bills, no room to save any money at all

    sorry, dont mean to vent, and don't worry I probably wont post in here for another week or so again :faintthud: , was unable to get to my computer for a few days and I missed you guys :wub:

    I know this was last nites topic, but I was off to bed before I could put my 2 cents in. I played both side of the fence on this one. I worked and struggled raising two kids and trying to get ahead only to be passed up for educated idiots with no experience. Well I hit 29 and realized I was getting nowhere quick, I bit the bullet, drug my wife and kids 1000 miles away from home and put myself thru school, delivering newspapers in the early morning hours, selling shoes at sears midmornings and scholl in the afternoon and evening. At about 8 months in, I got a apprentice type slot with IBM and life did a 180. Once i graduated, I did have to bite the bullet again and take a entry type position with Lucent Technologies, but I did move up rather quickly and and only had to struggle for maybe a year until I was making a decent living. 7 years later the rug was pulled out from under my feet and I found myself laid off like every other communications techie in CO. I responded to an ad in the paper that was in a whole different field as what I had come up in and out of 565 resumes they recieved, my personality shined thru, and I am loving life in the medical realm of technolgy. Aaron, sometimes you got to bite the bullet and take a step back to get 3 steps ahead. I admit, it was hell balancing life with a wife, two rugrats, working and going to school full time, and trying to keep my sanity, but I did a 4 year degree in 3 years and am still here to talk about it. Was it worth it? In my case, I would do it again, only I would have went back to scool at 22 or 23 (after i got out of the service).

  7. We got a lot in common my new friend, I hit 41 in April, and have been fighting this disease for 25 years. I swore when I dropped the Focals in the doors and the Rl-p behind the seat, my truck would be complete. Not!!!! I have since picked up a set of Rainbows (awaiting install), am gonna grab a new alternator and battery next week, Midbass drivers the week after, and so it goes. Is there a cure?

  8. :P  I was all set to buy RE mids, emailed them two weeks ago and still no response, Seas is looking mighty tempting right now as well as adire.  How friggin hard is it to have someone who responds to the emails?????? Theres my 2 cents.

    Just call. I have called and they pick up the phone.. 85% of the time/. :gift:

    Why? This is the age of the internet, people need to jump onboard. I am a field service engineer that spends 80% of time on the road. I am in the mountains and in the prarries away from cell service or working away in OR's in hospitals across 3 states and they tend to freak when you whip out a celly and the EKG machine starts jumping around erractically. I shoot out emails late at nite or early in the AM and just wish some of these guys would check every so often. When I do have time, I pick up the phone and call, but only to those who have responded to my inquiries via email first. If they have time to peck me out a little note, then I feel they may have the time to speak with me and I go from there. Even if it is a great product, no response = no sale period. There are a handfull of other products out there that are of the same calibre and someone else will steal me away just that quick. Undercover, I hope you found Zed's site, good, good, chit. I am patiently awaiting the 6 channel slated for this fall. He (Steve) responded very quickly to my e-mails and is a very personable guy. He has a nice sale coming this fall as a result. R U paying attention Ryan, looks like a good buisness plan is being laid out right in front of you :D
