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About -M-

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/14/1987

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  • Location
    SE wisconsin
  1. -M-

    My BAD thread

    that other girl is hott and she isnt acying bitche!!! Move on!!!
  2. -M-

    My BAD thread

    She definently needs to fail!!! That is the only way she will learn. Leave her and kick her out ket her find out what it is really like and have a couple guys that treat her like chit. Then she will start to realize how much better off she was with you. It also sounds like she needs a little something to help her with her horroble attitude and some professional help with her trust issues. When she realizes how much better off she was with you she will come back to you. All in all you will be better off without her.
  3. -M-

    (1) 15" vs (2) 12" Nightshades

    I would do the 2 12's. It wouldnt be worth it to take and burn your sub up.
  4. -M-

    I think..........

    Looks good.
  5. -M-

    Add me to the unemployed list

    Sorry to hear that. At least you are just starting unemployment. Hopefully things will start to pick up late this year.
  6. -M-

    My F-150 Build NO 56K!!!!!

    That z1 is seexy! Nice build, looking good
  7. -M-

    15" Fi Bl enclosure design

    great way to put it!
  8. -M-

    RL-i10 vs FI SSD 10 vs Re Se 10

    Its in the FS section. I am selling them for $150 shipped.
  9. -M-

    RL-i10 vs FI SSD 10 vs Re Se 10

    The rl-i's can take quite a beating. some people have put 1000 watts on them and they take it. You have to know what you are doing though. I would stay away from the kicker L7 but thats me.
  10. -M-

    RL-i10 vs FI SSD 10 vs Re Se 10

    I have 3 RL-I10's and they hit pretty good. I wish i didnt have to sell them...
  11. -M-

    15" Fi Bl enclosure design

    The problem with too many cubes is you run a higher chance of bottoming out your sub on rated power.
  12. -M-

    Need help deciding

    1 x15 DC level 4
  13. If you could do one that is close to WI that would be sweet, we havnt had many comps up here either!