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Status Updates posted by TechSys

  1. Well, the past couple hours were quite interesting. NOT!!!!! I thank God my boss, the manager, and a few other employees were there because if they weren't I might be headed to jail right now. Why? Here goes the story, what little I can give at this time.One of my co-workers came to the shop and told me the kids told him there was a pipe busted in an apartment. My coworker tried knocking on the door for 10 minutes, but a couple was arguing and didn't answer, so he came and got me.I went to...

  2. My first 0mg nicotine liquid. Not that great. Supposed to be orange dream bar. Tastes like water

  3. Wish 5:30pm tomorrow would hurry up and get here. 8:30am I will be officially off call for 2 weeks (Thank God) and I can live my life instead of living my job's life.

  4. There ALL you that have poked me, today, have officially and thoroughly poked back. Enjoy.

  5. Today is no shits given day. I just do not care about a damn thing right now. Ready to just pack up and move on with my life, away from everything. Actually feel like going to get a huge bottle of vodka and downing it as quick as possible.

  6. 6 games loaded and ready to go. I've got plenty more, but, found out I'm only using an 8gig drive. Could have sworn is was at least a 16gig. I think Charlie and I are going to have some fun this weekend and I am SO looking forward to seeing him. It's been too damn long of time. Something like 3 weeks, I think.

  7. I have forgotten just how much fun Super Mario bros is. Modded wii kicks ass now.

  8. For the next 2 days I will be the only tech at the property. The others are going to assess problems at the other dumps. Why am I stuck here? Cause I am good enough to take care of this dump myself

  9. Thanks to Modz Von Xyborg, we now have 1 modded wii. Unfortunately it is the white one. Not sure what is wrong with the black one, yet. I'm pretty sure I will hear about it since it was Brandy's wii that god modded. Oh well, when she sees the new world, she'll be happy.Thanks again Modz. and I am not going to let the black one kick my ass, I just got a lot to do before tomorrow

  10. Modz Von Xyborg, let's talk wii softmodding.The black wii I have is 4.3U. I am formatting a 4gig Sd card with fat32. What software do I need, besides homebrew? Easiest solutions please.

  11. I really need to get to Tigerdirect. I have not hacked the black wii, yet, due to not having an SD card. Keep putting it off. I really need to get this done so Charlie and I will have more games to play next weekend, instead of wiisports.Headache seem to be lightening up. I think this is from the salt intake I had last night from those chicken nuggets.

  12. Hmmm, has anybody noticed that Lowes sells .75" MDF with No added formaldehyde (NAF)? In other words, they sell MDF that has no formaldehyde in the adhesive.I thought it was interesting. Home Depot does not offer that, btw.

  13. Just got a 32gig Ipod from an eviction. Waiting for it to reset now so I can use it.This is my very first ipod, so another virginity has been broken this month. that makes 2 for the month.

  14. I guess I need to get to work and officially be on call for the next week.ugh! I hate this on call crap. Gotta do what I gotta do though.Happy friggin Friday to you all.

  15. I forgot to cook something for dinner. WTH? I'm going to start fogettign things like this again? I was doing so good with not forgetting things.Guess it really is grilled cheese sandwich time.

  16. hmmm.. a lot of us are vapers... I wonder how well this would go over? A E-liquid named after brands and/or models of subwoofers or amplifiers.Just an idea that popped into my head.

  17. back to work for a couple more hours.

  18. Said I wasn't going to use it, but I tried the bluetooth in the van today. Yea, I finally got it to pair with my phone.Pretty darn good if ya ask me. Now don't call me cause I want to listen to music.

  19. Severe weather heading this way, says the weatherman.

  20. Cleared to go back to work. Waiting on paperwork.

  21. To all my vaping brothers (and sisters). what is the best, can't live without, flavor you've ever had?I'm looking for some new flavors. the ones I have now are still tasting good, but I need something different.

    1. frogcase2002


      Iv been vaping "simply e-juice" there lemonade and pineapple is pretty good. . Haven't tryed to many though lol

  22. So tomorrow I have to sit in care spot until they decide to see me, so I can get cleared for work. I tried today, but the damn place was packed and knew I'd probably still be sitting there, as slow as they are.Going to be there at 8am on the dot. Maybe I'll be the first person to be seen.

  23. well, that was a short and simple no. I can't go back to work until I am completely cleared. I am going back to care spot today and tell (demand) them to clear me so I can go back to work. I am in no pain or anything and feel better than I have in a long time.We'll see how that goes.

  24. Hmmmm. Kinda like that center console and how low it sits on those 18s. Wish I could afford it to make my van better than it is now. I'm thinking about that console though.

  25. After installing the Sony dsx-s310btx and messing with it for a while, I have to say I am very impressed with it. The system sounds like it has better and cleaner bass (still using the OA v3 15, for now). It is also shaking things a bit more. However.. It pairs with my phone, but does not allow me to use Pandora or place/receive phone calls. Not sure why at this time, but will keep playing with it. I think it's user error, honestly.
