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Everything posted by emh9009

  1. emh9009

    Project questions

    try checking a chiltons or something? if still cant find the stock one find a solid bolt that goes directly on your block somewhere and go directly to the frame. sand down both areas and make sure they are really tight so they dont get loose. oh yeah, 1/0 is recommended
  2. emh9009

    SSA welcomes Team IAK

  3. emh9009

    LVL 4 15's

    noticed your sig. assuming you have already bought the 15s be careful if you do sub up/port back, you dont want the the excursion to hit the top of the trunk.
  4. emh9009

    LVL 4 15's

    if 15s are too big, why not 12s? or just a single 15?
  5. so the infrasonic filter he is talking about is the same as subsonic? just a different name? what about the parametric?
  6. i do know that the low pass filter should be around 80-100...
  7. emh9009

    most effective use of Luxury Liner Pro?

    looks solid. how much weight is that total? reminds me of those lead shirt things you put on while getting x-rays... scary lol
  8. emh9009

    How do you guys crimp larger ring terminals?

    i like this one... just cuz i think he is funny. there is explicit language and a bunch of other stuff not exactly just on soldering... but makes sense of it. he starts soldering at 2:27
  9. emh9009

    How do you guys crimp larger ring terminals?

    i only crimp enough to get a grip on the wire then solder them. i would highly suggest soldering them. there are some youtube videos that show how, if you need it.
  10. emh9009

    A peek at whats going down this weekend

    thats going to be mean... whats it all going in? nvm, i see your sig.
  11. emh9009


    we never did anything to do with ebay. great buyer though....
  12. emh9009


    thanks, but where did ebay come into play? lol
  13. emh9009

    I Made A Lamp...

    i like the clock. where do i order one?
  14. running in parallel like that, should a run on 0 gauge be run from the front battery to the rear? or would grounding both to the frame work well enough?
  15. emh9009

    ssd 10s handling 3k

    or should...
  16. emh9009

    E8 v.2 Prototype

    very nice looking sub. idk what i would do with it. but i want one haha
  17. emh9009

    Description Suggestion

    nicely put. for new sundown products!
  18. emh9009

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    i dont know what to use, but something sounds nice.
  19. emh9009

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    if he went by post per member ratio this site would b ranked 1169 whats that number out of, just curious... is that for all forums on the web?
  20. emh9009

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    just have to keep outdoing yourself
  21. emh9009

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    hmmm.... now that i think of it.. the other sites ive browsed have sucked pretty bad. im not a member of any other audio forums or anything but from what i have seen they are inferior to SSA. they are full of profanity, bashing (members, products (excessive), moderators) misleading information and the whole friendly environment that we have here. so as a car audio forum ill gladly say SSA.com is the best. before i was thinking more along the lines of denim's (i believe) counter in his sig. that shows what rank SSA.com is on the top big board forums or whatnot. SSA is close to the 2k mark, correct? figure there is a much larger number below than above SSA, so that is where the "so close" came in. relatively speaking i guess..
  22. emh9009

    Technical Center Finished! Click me!

    another addition to the site that pushes it even closer to the top... so close
  23. emh9009

    Which FI is best for me?

    read here --> Attention NOOBS!!!! - SSA Car Audio Forum then try and post again
  24. emh9009

    I Have a XXXXXXX watt sytem. What battery do I need?

    that should save you a couple thousand e-mails lol
  25. emh9009

    Technical Center (Updated with Pics)

    nice work. keep it up. king of audio sites!