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About Shyne151

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  1. Well I guess I'll be keeping my monte(and probably a bike come spring)... and getting some new goodies in the coming months First thing is a new alt. I know iraggi is having a group buy right now, but I don't know exactly how confident I feel with him. And even if the group buy gets 30people paid i'm still gonna be spending 270 atleast for 200amp(105 idle which i thought was low?) So I got ahold of nate over at excessive amperage he said he could do me a 200amp for 270shipped... which is probably cheaper than iraggi and he seems like a nice car. I know a couple guys have had problems with him(some group buy he did?)... I searched but what is your guys opinion on his products? Since I'm at school I really don't wanna have to pull this thing out alot... well I could just do it at work hahaha.
  2. Shyne151

    My new car

    Nice car, glad you got a two door. You just don't see alot of them. I'm more than likely going to pick up a 2door gtp this spring Will miss the folding seats in the monte though
  3. http://www.mymonte.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?t=9280 linky site is a joke
  4. Funny is hes probably gonna try to rip me a new ass for saying the imaging has gotta be fudgeed up.
  5. midbass(6x9"s too he says) highs and it seems the "highs" are sharing airspace with the subs
  6. Shyne151

    what do you all do for alarms?

    Installing alarms on older cars like that is easy do it yourself for sure. I'd look for something by DEI(viper, python, etc..) or an UNGO.
  7. Shyne151

    Circular Saw

    werd to that... my dad has some carbide tipped blade or something that I use, it works nicely.
  8. Shyne151

    where do i buy polyfill?

    haha they always ask me what i'm doing there when i goto buy fleece or polyfill.
  9. Shyne151

    Circular Saw

    Personally I'd stick away from cordless, I mean look at all the builders and contractors. none of them use cordless... as for blade size I'm not really sure what size mine is.
  10. Shyne151

    Got my pods done(pics inside)...

    They are infinite baffle, when I e-mailed mbquart they said to just do infinite instead of sealed.
  11. Shyne151

    Got my pods done(pics inside)...

  12. Pods are done... they didn't turn out to bad, here is the pics.... ohh yah they sound a ton better http://www.project04.net/gallery/main.php/.../pods%20001.jpg http://www.project04.net/gallery/main.php/.../pods%20002.jpg http://www.project04.net/gallery/main.php/.../pods%20003.jpg http://www.project04.net/gallery/main.php/.../pods%20004.jpg
  13. Shyne151

    where do i buy polyfill?

    joanne fabric too.
  14. Shyne151

    test banner

    Do I have to be part of some special "group" or something to use something like this at ca.com?
  15. Shyne151

    Stage 1.

    Ohh wow nice install... my girlfriend has a grand am also, just can't talk her into a little bump. I put two memphis power reference 12"s and a 400watt amp in her brothers jimmy and ever since then she won't put anything in her car Only thing she will let me do is put a remote starter on it, which I will probably do next weekend.